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Crash when window is closed but OK when on normal Quit.

Posted by: fblistserve <fblistserve@...>

On Sep 30, 2012, at 7:09 PM, Brian S <> wrote:

My main app delegate contains:

    // save selected tabview pane in preferences
    NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
    [ud setInteger: [self getPaneLastUsed] forKey:kPaneLastUsedKey];// <<<<<<<<<<<< crashes here on window close
    [ud synchronize];

Apologies. I failed to post the called method which actually crashes. In case anyone is interested it is:

- (int) getPaneLastUsed
    NSTabViewItem *item = [theTabView selectedTabViewItem];  <<<<< this Cocoa method is the actual crash point.
    if ( item != nil )
        return [[item identifier] intValue];
        return 0;

Brian S.

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