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File Directory for special directories update ( was NSString to Image )

Posted by: fblistserve <fblistserve@...>

(1) Put Util_FileDirectoryII.h and Util_FileDirectoryII.c in:   FutureBasic
(2) Put SystemDirectoryCopyURL.h and SystemDirectoryCopyURL.m in:   FutureBasic

(3) Put Util_FileDirectoryII.incl in:   FutureBasic

(4) Put FileDirectory-SpecDirsUpdated.bas in:  FB_5_7_4_Examples/Files/File_Directory examples/

Please note:
(a) All files are new and do not replace any existing files, so you able to use(include) the old Util_FileDirectory.incl.
(b) Files for #1,2 and 3 are going in the FB5 bundle
(c) Example ( #4 ) is a rework of one of the existing File Directory (FD) examples. 
(d) Updates special directory calls only. All other FD calls are as before.
(e) To get the new special directory calls make sure to include Util_FileDirectoryII.incl ( note the roman numeral II ) as shown in the example.
(f) Retrieving a CFURLRef requires a CFRelease by the caller ( release not required for retrieving an FSRef or FSSpec ).
Here is the link to download the files as a zipped archive:
This will be in FB 5.7.5 when I find time to build and release it.

On Sep 16, 2012, at 6:27 PM, Steve <> wrote:

Hi Brian,

I am trying to adopt new APIs for any new code I implement and this part of the code is in a .m file and not within FB BeginC EndC.   
However I could use updated FD code, as I use them for all my file handling now.
So send those pieces.

On Sep 16, 2012, at 8:46 PM, Brian S <> wrote:

On Sep 16, 2012, at 4:47 PM, Steve <> wrote:

So how do I get the path to Application Support replacing this @"/Users/steve/Desktop/sigImage.tif" 

Are you wanting to avoid FB’s FileDirectory(FD) code? ( FB_5_7_4_Examples/Files/File_Directory examples/ ).  FD does what you need but does use FSFIndFolder() which was deprecated in OS X 10.8. I’ve created a new version of the special directories code ( a subset of all the FD code ) that uses more modern code. I could ship you the pieces.

Brian S.

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Brian S.

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