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iPad development...

Posted by: artlythere <artlythere@...>

I haven't done it using iPad, but there is an app I downloaded to make my screen go dimmer than the default Mac option, and I would bet you could use that thing's trick to do it. Could set up an overlay window, and perhaps draw to that, transparently.

I will have to check my older drive, see if it's still on there. It was open source.

On Jan 24, 2013, at 12:18 PM, "Edwards, Waverly" <> wrote:

Hey Guys,
Long time – no see.  I’ve been busy plugging away at working on degree and haven’t had time for any development fun since I started the track.
Are any of you doing iPad development?  If so, could you tell me if it possible to strobe the screen globally, meaning that while you are using other applications that you app is causing the screen to strobe?  I’m looking for an app that essentially creates a translucent overlay window for screen that alternates between a shaded (and translucent) and clear (no shading).  The alternation between translucent and completely clear would be at an adjustable frequency of 7-21 Hertz.

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