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LegacyAPI Survey

Posted by: fblistserve <fblistserve@...>

On May 10, 2013, at 6:11 AM, Robert Covington <[email protected]> wrote:

Does LegacyAPI Survey app work with 10.8+?


I dragged an app on it, but nothing shows up anywhere.

LegacyAPISurvey is a '.py' file ( a python script ) and not a .app. There might be another way to launch it but I use Drag the to a terminal window, add a space, now drag the .app to the terminal window. Hit enter. The results will be in the root of your logged in userID.

Anybody got a modern version? The one I have is 2010.

Apple distributes it in their "auxiliary tools" dmg. The Mac Dev downloads <> has it. Search for "auxiliary tools"

The latest version has a February 2012 date on it. An Apple login is required ( I believe free version is OK but I only have a paid version ).

Brian S.

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