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Sandbox 'safe' open recent menu

Posted by: <>

rc wrote:

> Seems Bookmarks are the only 'sandbox safe' way to have Recent Items in a sandboxed app.
> But I have no idea how to implement that. The com.domain.AppsRecentItems plist approach used in the editor and elsewhere does not work in a sandboxed app once you try to recover a file. If you save one to it , you can reopen it, but only during that particular run.
> So, I am left wondering how to implement recent items. I could store them in Application Support... all that works I know, but in what manner?
> I see Bernie's demo, but not sure how to make that work for more than one item?
> Then there is the situation of security scoped bookmarks, which I guess factors in once you try to actually re-open a file programmatically?

How about storing the data refs, returned from CFURLCreateBookmarkData, in a CFArray?

Also, not sure Application Support is the correct directory for this. Maybe app prefs is better.