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Fencing help!

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

I feel like I'm beating my head against a brick wall. Can someone help me.
Last year we put up an electric fence and it worked great until the sheep
got a heavy wool coat and walked through the fence line breaking several
lines. This spring we decided to go to heavy duty charge that is sending
out 9000 volts (compared to the solar one we had that gives (5000 volts).
No matter what we do we still only end up with 2000 volts on the line
itself. The guy at the feed store told us we needed more we
bought the grounding rods....3 of them 8 ft long...hammered them in the
ground (each costing $12 each) and walla....still 2000 volts. We've mowed
both sides of the fence and weed whacked under the fencing line to make sure
we are not grounding out...but we must be grounding out somehow. I don't
even know what to look for? Prehaps our splicing is the problem but we were
told to just twist the new wire with the old making a connection. Any help
would be appreciated. Our horses keep getting out because the pastures are
a foot high and they are in a pen that has maybe half inch high grass. I
can't blame them....I'd want out too! It's getting very