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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by Andrew Strom.

I am writing this from the Dominican Republic. God has really been
moving during this trip to the Caribbean and we have seen a lot of
heartfelt repentance. Gloria a Dios!! -Glory to God!!

But of course, I have been learning even more about the problems
with the "Prosperity" gospel that is truly at epidemic levels
throughout the region. It is so sickening and awful that I haven't
the heart to describe it to you. My friend David Servant, who visits
the Third World often, says that this "Money Worshiping" crisis in
the church is so bad that there is no word in the English language
to describe it. The words, 'Crisis' and "Catastrophe" simply do
not do justice to the rate at which the devil has been turning many
Christian leaders in the Third World into out-and-out "Thieves"
through 'prosperity' teaching. We could not even begin to count
the numbers that are stealing from the precious sheep of God in
the poorest countries of the world. But that is not the end of the
story. God is not phased one little bit. This is His church and His
precious simple sheep, and He will not stay still forever.

Ever since I really saw the scale of this crisis, I have been aware
that the MEDIA is an enormous key to the problem. The devil has
been using the media enormously to destroy truth. And that is
why I have been crying out to God for answers on a large enough
scale to make a difference. Down here in Latin America, I finally
have begun to see hopeful answers for the first time.

I believe God is going to overturn the tables of the Money Changers.
I believe the "five little stones" of David can overthrow the spears
and swords of every "Goliath" in the church today.

I hope to be able to announce soon an expansion into MEDIA for
our ministry that will go right through the Spanish-speaking world -
and will be aimed at the very jugular of the devil and his lies.

Keep tuned and keep praying, my friends. Personally I am starting
to see real developments the like of which I have only dreamed of.

More on all this soon. Thankyou so much for your prayers.

God bless you - and Gloria a Dios!

Andrew Strom.