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Posted by: revival4 <revival4@...>

NOTE: The Revival in Fiji began some years ago mainly through
UNIFIED PRAYER - and also public reconciliation and
repentance between tribes and churches. Now there is tremendous
unity between Christians and prayer is still ongoing. Here is a recent
report from the Revival:
"Drugs Destroyed as Fiji Revival Continues to Transform Nation"
-by Lyle Shelton. (29 July 2004).

The voluntary destruction of millions of dollars worth of marijuana
plants is the latest fruit of repentance coming from the on-going
revival in the Fiji Islands.

Savenaca Nakauyaca, the son of one of the revival leaders, Vuniani,
trekked on foot five to six hours to the interior of the main island of
Viti Levu where he helped lead an emotional service of repentance.
Young Sav broke the news to the outside world via radio phone in an
interview with the Fiji Sun.

The nine farmers from the Draubuta Village destroyed their crop of
13,864 plants and 6000 seedlings, estimated to be worth more than
FJ$1 million. With the help of Sav’s team, the villagers filled up the
village green with plants. The farmers publicly repented and asked
for forgiveness of the chiefs and elders. This was followed by burning
of the marijuana plants and prayer from the team to break bondages
on the community as a result of this sin.

After farmers on Fiji’s second largest island of Vanua Levu followed
suit, the Attorney-General Qoriniasi Bale praised the drug destruction
efforts in Parliament.

The Fiji Sun reported that the farmers agreed to destroy their crops
“after they were approached by local chiefs and a church pastor”.

In another revival incident, this time at Nataleira Village, eight witch-
doctors confessed publicly at a church meeting. This followed a foot
washing ceremony involving Catholic, Methodist and Assemblies of
God people. “This brought great release in people’s lives,” Vuniani
Nakauyaca said. “Artefacts were burned, the freedom in the people
was unbelievable. Their reef had died, but now the fish are back.”

There have been many testimonies of fish returning to local fisheries
after years of bareness. In one revival village, villagers were alarmed
to see a blood-coloured cloud appear above their village. They were
calmed when someone pointed them to Acts 1:19 which says “And
I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth beneath,
blood and fire and smoking vapour” (Amp).

All of the above has occurred since George Otis Junior completed his
four-year documentary of the Fiji revival in the recently released video
'Let the Seas Resound'.

The revival has attracted the attention of the widely circulating
Charisma Magazine in the United States, which in January ran a
five-page feature article.

Not content to allow the revival go the way of many revivals of history,
plans are afoot for a “reformation summit” in September.

[-From "One Heart" website- ]