Quote from Forum Archives on January 22, 2008, 2:03 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
Almost 2 years ago we did our last offering of this Album - which
has been a pretty popular one with people. I have been going
through our things, and found that we still have enough left to do
one last Giveaway.This CD is mostly full of "Scripture songs". The music style is
'worship' or pop-rock. It was recorded in a full 24-track studio and
a number of the songs received significant radio airplay in New
Zealand and Australia. Here are a few of the comments we have
received about it:CURT wrote:
"Received the CD yesterday and have played it several times. My
wife and I both love it. God bless you and yours."PETE wrote:
"The music CD was not what I expected. To tell you the truth, WE
LOVE IT! Thank you."JIM wrote:
"I LOVE the Music Healing Songs CD!! It is amazing !!! Can you
make more just like it?"RADIO AIRPLAY of this CD:
As I said, many of the songs contain Scripture. The main one
called "Healing Song" has verses that are taken straight from
Isaiah 53 - "He was wounded for our sins and He was bruised for
our transgressions... and by His stripes we are healed." And the
chorus proclaims, "In the name of JESUS CHRIST BE HEALED."
It was designed to truly be a 'healing song'."HEALING SONG" - Went to # 1 in Christian Pop on "MP3.COM".
"FOLLOW YOU" - 'Top 5 at 5' on Radio Rhema in New Zealand.
"I SURRENDER" - Radio airplay in Australia.
"MIGHTY GOD" - Radio airplay in Australia.
"COMPROMISE SONG" - Hard-hitting. -Popular on our website
(+ more songs...)We have just enough left to make one final offer of this CD. As
always we are making it available for *ANY* donation - even if
you can only afford to cover the POSTAGE. So if you are in
America, you can get it just by sending $1.80. (If you are in
New Zealand, Australia or the UK, then the postage amount is
US $4.70).If you can only afford the "postage" then simply send that. (-Just
$1.80 in America). But if you are able to afford more, then please
consider sending a "donation" as well, my friends.2 SIMPLE STEPS to GET THIS C.D:
First, you need to REPLY to this email, so that we know how
many people are wanting it.Second, simply send in your donation.
If you have a credit card, the easiest way to send your donation
is probably through PAYPAL - which is very secure. Simply go
to our web-page below to do
Or you can simply mail a check or Money Order (or cash) to the
following address:Andrew Strom,
16355 Via Ultimo,
Moreno Valley,
CA 92551,
USA.Please remember to include your ADDRESS. And we will get
the CD off to you ASAP.I look forward to hearing back from you if you want this CD, my friends.
God bless you all!
Andrew Strom.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
Almost 2 years ago we did our last offering of this Album - which
has been a pretty popular one with people. I have been going
through our things, and found that we still have enough left to do
one last Giveaway.
This CD is mostly full of "Scripture songs". The music style is
'worship' or pop-rock. It was recorded in a full 24-track studio and
a number of the songs received significant radio airplay in New
Zealand and Australia. Here are a few of the comments we have
received about it:
CURT wrote:
"Received the CD yesterday and have played it several times. My
wife and I both love it. God bless you and yours."
PETE wrote:
"The music CD was not what I expected. To tell you the truth, WE
LOVE IT! Thank you."
JIM wrote:
"I LOVE the Music Healing Songs CD!! It is amazing !!! Can you
make more just like it?"
As I said, many of the songs contain Scripture. The main one
called "Healing Song" has verses that are taken straight from
Isaiah 53 - "He was wounded for our sins and He was bruised for
our transgressions... and by His stripes we are healed." And the
chorus proclaims, "In the name of JESUS CHRIST BE HEALED."
It was designed to truly be a 'healing song'.
"HEALING SONG" - Went to # 1 in Christian Pop on "MP3.COM".
"FOLLOW YOU" - 'Top 5 at 5' on Radio Rhema in New Zealand.
"I SURRENDER" - Radio airplay in Australia.
"MIGHTY GOD" - Radio airplay in Australia.
"COMPROMISE SONG" - Hard-hitting. -Popular on our website
(+ more songs...)
We have just enough left to make one final offer of this CD. As
always we are making it available for *ANY* donation - even if
you can only afford to cover the POSTAGE. So if you are in
America, you can get it just by sending $1.80. (If you are in
New Zealand, Australia or the UK, then the postage amount is
US $4.70).
If you can only afford the "postage" then simply send that. (-Just
$1.80 in America). But if you are able to afford more, then please
consider sending a "donation" as well, my friends.
First, you need to REPLY to this email, so that we know how
many people are wanting it.
Second, simply send in your donation.
If you have a credit card, the easiest way to send your donation
is probably through PAYPAL - which is very secure. Simply go
to our web-page below to do this:-
Or you can simply mail a check or Money Order (or cash) to the
following address:
Andrew Strom,
16355 Via Ultimo,
Moreno Valley,
CA 92551,
Please remember to include your ADDRESS. And we will get
the CD off to you ASAP.
I look forward to hearing back from you if you want this CD, my friends.
God bless you all!
Andrew Strom.