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First time hello 🙂

Posted by: tam2jer <tam2jer@...>

Hi there everyone,i am so excited to have found this group!! My
name is Tammy, I am 28, Joyously married 6yrs to Jerry, and
blessed by 2 lovely little ones, Aaron-4 and KT -15 months. I
grew up in the woods of Louisiana and after serving 7 1/2 yrs in
Air Force where I met my hubby we have called Washington home,
where he is from. We are living on his brothers 13 acres and
looking for our own property at this time. I am currently trying
to make some kind of pickles out of some pretty yellow cucumbers
any suggestions appreciated. I am new to canning, although I
spent many hours in my Mawmaws kitchen as a youngin. I look
forward to getting toknow ya'll.
God Bless
Tammy Hollaway