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Posted by: preacher30673 <preacher30673@...>

Five Weapons  Satan Will use in His Attacks against you

Job 1:1-5


        Job was the wealthiest man in the east in his day. In those days wealth was measured primarily in terms of land, animals, and servants. Job had all three in abundance. 

        Job was prosperous in his family (seven sons and three daughters). Job was great in his piety.  He was not sinless, but he was complete and mature in character and straight in his conduct.

        Satan appears in heaven to accuse this saint to  God. He would like to be able to turn the eyes and heart of God away from him.

        Satan comes plotting, planning, and scheming against Job.  Satan sets out to get Job.

        Satan is the ultimate enemy. We should never underestimates his power, and we should  never mistakes his intentions.

        It would do us well to observe the tactics in which Satan endeavored to dismantle Job. May we learn from the life of Job some of the strategies of Satan to get an advantage of us.

        To be forewarned is to be forearmed.


I.       Satan will attack you through your faith (11)

        Satan attempted to undermine Job's faith. 

        Look at Job 1:21 and note Job's profound statement of faith.

        Luke 22:31-34

        Satan wants to overthrow your faith in God. He wants you to think negatively about God. He wants you to doubt the wisdom of God.

        Satan wants you to think skeptically about God. He wants to fill your heart with questions about God.

        Satan wants you to think suspiciously about God. He wants you to doubt the love of God. He will attempt to misrepresent God to you. The devil is an accuser: ACCUSED GOD TO MAN; ACCUSED MAN TO GOD; ACCUSED THE GOD MAN. 

        It takes faith to claim and challenge loving-kindness out of all the roughest stokes of life. 

        Romans 8:28


II.     Satan WILL ATTACK YOU through your finances (14-17)

        Job was stripped of everything he had (21).

        Satan will try to get to you through your money whether you have it or whether you don't. 

        Finances can evaporate very quickly.  You can have it today and be bankrupt tomorrow.

        Satan will come at you through your capital or lack of it until you are discouraged, disheartened, and defeated.

        Don't let the devil get to you through your finances.

        For too many find there is more month after the money runs out. 

        Far too many can't be in the house of God faithfully because they have to work a  second job to pay for their worldly appetites.

        See Acts 5.

        Money was connected to the death of Ananias and Sapphira.  It was money that turned Elisha's servant, Gehazi into a leper.

III.   Satan WILL ATTACK YOU  through YOUR family (18-19)

        Job lost seven sons and three daughters in one day. Can you imagine the death of 10 children in one day?

        See Job 2: 9,10.   Satan can work through people who are dear to us. Satan gets to a lot of God's children through their family. It may be through conflicts with our  family.  It may be with confrontations in our family.  It may be with compromise for our family.

        See 2 Samuel 6:20.

IV.    Satan WILL ATTACK YOU  through YOUR flesh (2:7,8)

        A man can stand almost anything better than he can stand pain!

        Most of humanity value their flesh above everything. What is tolerable when we are good health is torture when our limbs ache and our flesh is lacerated or scorched.

        A prolonged trial will wear out the flesh.

        See Daniel 7:25.  The devil will get to you through prolonged pain if you are not careful.

V.      Satan WILL ATTACK YOU through YOUR friends (2:11-13)

        Three friends show up after Job's tragedy.  However, the number three is pitiful, for don't you know he had more friends than that since he was one of the richest men of his time

        Three friends of Job agree to come to mourn and to comfort him.  They came indeed to sympathize with him, but like other well-meaning people today, they stayed on to sermonize. Eliphaz suspected that Job had sinned, and this may be the reason for his trouble.  Bildad surmised that Job was a sinner, and this was probably the reason for his trouble.  Zophar stated that Job had sinned, and this was the reason for his trouble. They supposedly came to comfort but in reality they condemned Job. Be cautious of the person who knows why everything happens to you. 

        See John 9.

        See Job 16:1-5.  With friends like you, who needs enemies?

        See Matthew 16:23.  

        See 2 Samuel 13:3.



        Satan is a real person with great intellect.  He is an individual who is extremely subtle. Don't underestimate him. He desires the destruction of every man.  He will use anything and everything to distract, disappoint, and  defeat you. He walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour

        We need to be constantly aware of Satan's devices; as a result,  we are much less likely to fall prey to him.

        Practical instruction to guard against his tactics:




James 4:7        "Resist the devil...."




Pastor Jimmy Chapman

Victory Baptist Church




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