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Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

In reply to your question Heather, the waters from the Hondo and Berrendo Rivers in Roswell will make their way to the Pecos River and then eventually dump into the Gulf of Mexico according to dh. I don't think Roswell has seen this much rain since the 30s.
My mom had another inch in her gauge so 5 inches as of 5:00 last night. She drove around with my uncle to look and found one road with a bridge and rails out, the road washed out and water flowing hard. She said the Pecos River was amazing. The year we moved to Salt Creek, Roswell had 2 inches of rain for the WHOLE YEAR so 5 inches in less than a week is wild for them.
It has been raining here again this morning....not sure how much we've had now. One rancher 50 miles north of us had 8 inches, as of a couple of days ago. The state road that goes by our house is closed at mile marker 53 because of flooding. That's not common!
We were supposed to go to the lake tomorrow morning, but we've postponed until next weekend. Our forecast is showing chances of rain for the first part of next week too, so I don't know when this will stop. Such a change from being horribly drought-stricken just three months ago. I'm praising the Lord for all this moisture 🙂 Lisa NM

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