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flooding and ranch drama

Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

My aunt also lives in Roswell. They showed 4 inches in their rain gauge this morning. My mom doesn't live near the Berrendo River so she should be fine.
At 4:30 yesterday, dh had to go to Salt Creek, the ranch near Roswell where we used to live. The current foreman said it rained so much, water started running in the creek and eventually rose so high it was up to his horses' necks. He tied a rope to his wife so she could open a gate or help the horses or something. While in the water, a rattlesnake bit her on the hand so she had to be taken to the ER. They diagnosed it as a dry bite...hopefully they are correct. The rattlers out there are VERY aggressive, more so than here.
Another lineman had gone there early yesterday morning because of an outage. He got stuck, the ranch foreman got him out then he got stuck, then the lineman got stuck again helping the foreman. The foreman got his tractor to help and now it's stuck. Out there, the ground has caliche which becomes like gooey cement when it gets wet. Mark couldn't get them out last night, he got stuck once too, and then had two more outages, so he didn't get home until 3 this morning. Around 7:30 he left again for Salt Creek and will try to get the trucks unstuck.
It is raining pretty hard here now. My mom said it's not raining in Roswell yet but looks like it will. It is very unusual for us to have this kind of rain in September. We're thankful for the moisture but it's causing some wild situations  🙂 Lisa NM
That is more than some people get all year.  The water looks angry!  I hope your Mom is on high ground.

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