Quote from Forum Archives on October 22, 2016, 4:21 pmPosted by: preacher30673 <preacher30673@...>
Romans 8:28-34
There are some short phrases in the Bible that are filled great meaning. For example consider the words in John 3:16 "so loved."
Charles Spurgeon, commenting on the word "so" in the statement, "God so loved," said: "Come, ye surveyors, bring your chains, and try to make a survey of this word 'so.' Nay, that is not enough. Come hither, ye that make our national surveys, and lay down charts for all nations. Come ye, who map the sea and land, and make a chart of this word 'so.' Nay, I must go further. Come hither, ye astronomers, that with your optic glasses spy out spaces before which imagination staggers, come hither and encounter calculations worthy of all your powers. Here is a task that will defy you¾'God SO loved the world.'"
Four times in our text the words FOR US are seen.
God is FOR US.... FOR US. ......FOR US.......FOR US. God is for those who are so very, very unworthy.
Often times we forget this, and when we do we get down, discouraged, and often defeated. Verse 26 states God the Holy Spirit is FOR US. God the Father is FOR US in verse 31 and 32, and God the Son is FOR US in verse 34.
See Psalm 56:9 and Psalm 118:6. God is FOR the believer! God is FOR us individually and FOR US collectively.
The Devil wants us to think God is against us, but the truth is God is FOR US. The believer is special to God. Every child of God should enter into each new day with a fresh realization that God is for you.
Tonight, I want to exhort us to consider the things God has done, is doing, and will do FOR US.
I. The SCRIPTURES were written FOR US (Romans 4:23,24)
The historical narrative of Abraham's justification by faith was not written for his sake alone; it was written for our benefit as well. The fact of Abraham's believing and receiving salvation through that faith is not recorded as a mere circumstance in the patriarch's life, intended to do him honor; it is recorded as the model, according to which God will save us. The record of Abraham's extraordinary faith was not made on his account only; but it was made to show the way in which we may be regarded and treated as righteous by God.
See Romans 15:4 and 1 Corinthians 10:11.
A. They were written for our loving
B. They were written for our learning
Though all the Bible may not be to us or about us, it is still for us to learn.
C. They were written for our living
Matthew 4:4
D. They were written for our leaning
Psalm 119:42 "So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy word." God's Word offers us protection and stability against doubt and despair.
See I Thessalonians 5:18.
I. The SCRIPTURES were written FOR US
II. The Son was crucified for US
Romans 8:32
2 Corinthians 5:21
Galatians 3:13 "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:"
Ephesians 5:2 "And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour."
1 Thessalonians 5:10 "Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him."
Titus 2:11-14
I John 3:16
A. Jesus bore our sins FOR US
Isaiah 53:4-6 "Surely...."
FOR US is surely two of the most beautiful words in the Scriptures.
The Son of God on the cross became what he was not — namely, sin — that we might become what we are not - namely, righteous. The Son of God became the Son of Man that sons of men become Sons of God.
In the OT the sheep died for the shepherd; in the NT the Shepherd died for the sheep.
B. Jesus became cursed FOR US
Galatians 3:13 - "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
The Old Testament Law read, "If a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: his body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;)..." (Deut. 21:22-23).
Jesus stood in the place of those who had broken the Law and bore the penalty due to them. Though Jesus personally had never broken the Law, He took the sinner's place and bore the sinner's judgment, although He Himself was sinless. So on the cross God reckoned Him to be what He was not. There He became sacrificially what we were actually.
The gospel message declares that the wronged God took the wrong upon himself that the one who committed the wrong might be saved.
C. Jesus bought redemption FOR US.
Hebrews 9:12 "Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption FOR US." Christ was the offering, and Christ was the offerer.
I Peter 1:18,19
I. The SCRIPTURES were written FOR US
II. The Son was crucified for US
III. The Saviour and Spirit intercede for us (Romans 8:26,34)
Intercession means "making an appeal." The word was employed in the sense of personally petitioning on behalf of another.
A. With regard to ours Supplications (INFIRMITIES) the Holy Spirit intercedes FOR US
We have two weaknesses in prayer revealed in verse 26. We know not what (matter) we should pray for as we ought. As to the matter of our requests, we know not what to ask. We are not competent judges of our own condition. Who knows what is good for a man in this life? (Ecclesiastes 6:12). We are short sighted, and very much biased in favor of the flesh. Jesus even told the sons of Zebedee, "You know not what you ask for," (Matthew 20:22).
As to the manner, we know not how to pray as we ought. It is not enough that we do that which is good, but we must do it well, seek in a due order; and here we are often at a loss- - affections cold, thoughts wandering, and it is not always easy to find the heart to pray.
B. With regard to our transgressions (iniquities) the Saviour intercedes FOR US
Hebrews 9:24 "For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God FOR US"
Hebrews 7:25 "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession FOR THEM."
I John 2:1
1. The presence of sin in a believer - AWFUL POSSIBILITY
Though sin need not be a necessity, it is still a possibility. When a Christian sins, his sin is the offence of a child against a father. It is a family violation. Sin never destroys the relationship. We still have our union though we have lost communion.
2. The provision for sin in a believer - AMpLE PROVISION
I have an advocate with the Father. I have an advocate with the Father. In the law courts of New Testament times an advocate performed a distinctive function. It appears that the relationship of advocate and client constituted a settled personal tie involving acquaintanceship and often kinship between the parties. He was not merely a hired pleader of one's cause. He was his patron and standing counsel, the head of the order or the clan to which both belonged, bound by the claims of honor and family association, to stand by his humble dependent and to see him through when his legal standing was imperiled; he was his client's natural protector and t he appointed captain of his salvation.
Whenever, we sin the Son says to the Father, "Put that on My account. My sacrifice has already paid it."
I Sinned / My Advocate
I sinned. And straightway, post-haste Satan flew
Before the presence of the Most High God,
And made a railing accusation there.
He said, "This soul, this thing of clay and sod
Has sinned. 'Tis true that he has named Thy name,
But I demand his death, for Thou hast said,
'The soul that sinneth, it shall die!' Shall not
Thy sentence be fulfilled? Is Justice dead'
Send now this wretched sinner to his doom.
What other thing can a righteous ruler do?"
And thus he did accuse me day and night,
And every word he spoke, O God, was true!
Then quickly One rose up from God's right hand,
Before Whose glory angels veiled their eyes.
He spoke, "Each jot and tittle of the law
Must be fulfilled: the guilty sinner dies!
But wait. Suppose his guilt were all transferred
To ME and that I paid his penalty!
Behold My hands, My side, My feet! One day
I was made sin for him, and died that he
Might be presented faultless, at Thy throne!"
And Satan fled away. Full well he knew
That he could not prevail against such love,
For every word my dear Lord spoke was true!
God the Holy Spirit prays FOR US in our hearts; God the Son prays FOR US in heaven. God the Holy Spirit in me looks after God's interest in me; God the Son in heaven looks after my interest with the Father.
I. The SCRIPTURES were written FOR US
II. The Son was crucified for US III. The Saviour and Spirit intercede for us
III. The Saviour and Spirit intercede for us
A very familiar image underlies the words written here. In Bible times a young man and woman would become espoused for a period of one year (as Mary and Joseph). During that time the bridegroom-to-be would build an additional room onto the house of his father so they could come to live after their marriage. Interestingly, that additional room was called a "mansion."
When the day finally arrived, the bridegroom would make his journey from his house to the house of the bride. His arrival would often be accompanied by a shout and a trumpet sound. He would then escort his bride to their new abode.
I have also read that was customary for travelers in those days to send some of their party on in advance, to find lodging and make arrangements for them in some great city. Many a time one of other of the disciples had been sent before into a place where Jesus should come. However, Christ here takes that office upon Himself. The emblem is homely, but the truth is transcendent.
The office which Jesus takes upon Himself is that of an inferior and a servant FOR US.
The purpose of our Lord's departure FOR US guarantees His coming back again FOR US. As the departure had for its purpose the preparing a place FOR US, therefore it will necessarily be followed by a return FOR US.
A. He is coming in person FOR US (I Thessalonians 4:16)
B. He is coming with purpose FOR US (I Thessalonians 4:17)
The saints' blessedness in heaven consists in this, that they shall forever be there with Christ.
God is FOR US. What should be our response when we fully recognized this?
See I Samuel 12:24.
Pastor Jimmy Chapman
Victory Baptist Church
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Posted by: preacher30673 <preacher30673@...>
Romans 8:28-34
There are some short phrases in the Bible that are filled great meaning. For example consider the words in John 3:16 "so loved."
Charles Spurgeon, commenting on the word "so" in the statement, "God so loved," said: "Come, ye surveyors, bring your chains, and try to make a survey of this word 'so.' Nay, that is not enough. Come hither, ye that make our national surveys, and lay down charts for all nations. Come ye, who map the sea and land, and make a chart of this word 'so.' Nay, I must go further. Come hither, ye astronomers, that with your optic glasses spy out spaces before which imagination staggers, come hither and encounter calculations worthy of all your powers. Here is a task that will defy you¾'God SO loved the world.'"
Four times in our text the words FOR US are seen.
God is FOR US.... FOR US. ......FOR US.......FOR US. God is for those who are so very, very unworthy.
Often times we forget this, and when we do we get down, discouraged, and often defeated. Verse 26 states God the Holy Spirit is FOR US. God the Father is FOR US in verse 31 and 32, and God the Son is FOR US in verse 34.
See Psalm 56:9 and Psalm 118:6. God is FOR the believer! God is FOR us individually and FOR US collectively.
The Devil wants us to think God is against us, but the truth is God is FOR US. The believer is special to God. Every child of God should enter into each new day with a fresh realization that God is for you.
Tonight, I want to exhort us to consider the things God has done, is doing, and will do FOR US.
I. The SCRIPTURES were written FOR US (Romans 4:23,24)
The historical narrative of Abraham's justification by faith was not written for his sake alone; it was written for our benefit as well. The fact of Abraham's believing and receiving salvation through that faith is not recorded as a mere circumstance in the patriarch's life, intended to do him honor; it is recorded as the model, according to which God will save us. The record of Abraham's extraordinary faith was not made on his account only; but it was made to show the way in which we may be regarded and treated as righteous by God.
See Romans 15:4 and 1 Corinthians 10:11.
A. They were written for our loving
B. They were written for our learning
Though all the Bible may not be to us or about us, it is still for us to learn.
C. They were written for our living
Matthew 4:4
D. They were written for our leaning
Psalm 119:42 "So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy word." God's Word offers us protection and stability against doubt and despair.
See I Thessalonians 5:18.
I. The SCRIPTURES were written FOR US
II. The Son was crucified for US
Romans 8:32
2 Corinthians 5:21
Galatians 3:13 "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:"
Ephesians 5:2 "And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour."
1 Thessalonians 5:10 "Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him."
Titus 2:11-14
I John 3:16
A. Jesus bore our sins FOR US
Isaiah 53:4-6 "Surely...."
FOR US is surely two of the most beautiful words in the Scriptures.
The Son of God on the cross became what he was not — namely, sin — that we might become what we are not - namely, righteous. The Son of God became the Son of Man that sons of men become Sons of God.
In the OT the sheep died for the shepherd; in the NT the Shepherd died for the sheep.
B. Jesus became cursed FOR US
Galatians 3:13 - "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
The Old Testament Law read, "If a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: his body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;)..." (Deut. 21:22-23).
Jesus stood in the place of those who had broken the Law and bore the penalty due to them. Though Jesus personally had never broken the Law, He took the sinner's place and bore the sinner's judgment, although He Himself was sinless. So on the cross God reckoned Him to be what He was not. There He became sacrificially what we were actually.
The gospel message declares that the wronged God took the wrong upon himself that the one who committed the wrong might be saved.
C. Jesus bought redemption FOR US.
Hebrews 9:12 "Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption FOR US." Christ was the offering, and Christ was the offerer.
I Peter 1:18,19
I. The SCRIPTURES were written FOR US
II. The Son was crucified for US
III. The Saviour and Spirit intercede for us (Romans 8:26,34)
Intercession means "making an appeal." The word was employed in the sense of personally petitioning on behalf of another.
A. With regard to ours Supplications (INFIRMITIES) the Holy Spirit intercedes FOR US
We have two weaknesses in prayer revealed in verse 26. We know not what (matter) we should pray for as we ought. As to the matter of our requests, we know not what to ask. We are not competent judges of our own condition. Who knows what is good for a man in this life? (Ecclesiastes 6:12). We are short sighted, and very much biased in favor of the flesh. Jesus even told the sons of Zebedee, "You know not what you ask for," (Matthew 20:22).
As to the manner, we know not how to pray as we ought. It is not enough that we do that which is good, but we must do it well, seek in a due order; and here we are often at a loss- - affections cold, thoughts wandering, and it is not always easy to find the heart to pray.
B. With regard to our transgressions (iniquities) the Saviour intercedes FOR US
Hebrews 9:24 "For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God FOR US"
Hebrews 7:25 "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession FOR THEM."
I John 2:1
1. The presence of sin in a believer - AWFUL POSSIBILITY
Though sin need not be a necessity, it is still a possibility. When a Christian sins, his sin is the offence of a child against a father. It is a family violation. Sin never destroys the relationship. We still have our union though we have lost communion.
2. The provision for sin in a believer - AMpLE PROVISION
I have an advocate with the Father. I have an advocate with the Father. In the law courts of New Testament times an advocate performed a distinctive function. It appears that the relationship of advocate and client constituted a settled personal tie involving acquaintanceship and often kinship between the parties. He was not merely a hired pleader of one's cause. He was his patron and standing counsel, the head of the order or the clan to which both belonged, bound by the claims of honor and family association, to stand by his humble dependent and to see him through when his legal standing was imperiled; he was his client's natural protector and t he appointed captain of his salvation.
Whenever, we sin the Son says to the Father, "Put that on My account. My sacrifice has already paid it."
I Sinned / My Advocate
I sinned. And straightway, post-haste Satan flew
Before the presence of the Most High God,
And made a railing accusation there.
He said, "This soul, this thing of clay and sod
Has sinned. 'Tis true that he has named Thy name,
But I demand his death, for Thou hast said,
'The soul that sinneth, it shall die!' Shall not
Thy sentence be fulfilled? Is Justice dead'
Send now this wretched sinner to his doom.
What other thing can a righteous ruler do?"
And thus he did accuse me day and night,
And every word he spoke, O God, was true!
Then quickly One rose up from God's right hand,
Before Whose glory angels veiled their eyes.
He spoke, "Each jot and tittle of the law
Must be fulfilled: the guilty sinner dies!
But wait. Suppose his guilt were all transferred
To ME and that I paid his penalty!
Behold My hands, My side, My feet! One day
I was made sin for him, and died that he
Might be presented faultless, at Thy throne!"
And Satan fled away. Full well he knew
That he could not prevail against such love,
For every word my dear Lord spoke was true!
God the Holy Spirit prays FOR US in our hearts; God the Son prays FOR US in heaven. God the Holy Spirit in me looks after God's interest in me; God the Son in heaven looks after my interest with the Father.
I. The SCRIPTURES were written FOR US
II. The Son was crucified for US III. The Saviour and Spirit intercede for us
III. The Saviour and Spirit intercede for us
A very familiar image underlies the words written here. In Bible times a young man and woman would become espoused for a period of one year (as Mary and Joseph). During that time the bridegroom-to-be would build an additional room onto the house of his father so they could come to live after their marriage. Interestingly, that additional room was called a "mansion."
When the day finally arrived, the bridegroom would make his journey from his house to the house of the bride. His arrival would often be accompanied by a shout and a trumpet sound. He would then escort his bride to their new abode.
I have also read that was customary for travelers in those days to send some of their party on in advance, to find lodging and make arrangements for them in some great city. Many a time one of other of the disciples had been sent before into a place where Jesus should come. However, Christ here takes that office upon Himself. The emblem is homely, but the truth is transcendent.
The office which Jesus takes upon Himself is that of an inferior and a servant FOR US.
The purpose of our Lord's departure FOR US guarantees His coming back again FOR US. As the departure had for its purpose the preparing a place FOR US, therefore it will necessarily be followed by a return FOR US.
A. He is coming in person FOR US (I Thessalonians 4:16)
B. He is coming with purpose FOR US (I Thessalonians 4:17)
The saints' blessedness in heaven consists in this, that they shall forever be there with Christ.
God is FOR US. What should be our response when we fully recognized this?
See I Samuel 12:24.
Pastor Jimmy Chapman
Victory Baptist Church
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