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Posted by: henkf <henkf@...>

                                   PSALM 32
                            A Study of Forgiveness
I.    Introduction
      A.   This is a special psalm
           1.   It is a psalm of David
           2.   It is quoted by Paul in Romans (ROM 4:1-10)
           3.   Its theme is a universal one--the need for forgiveness
      B.   Have you ever needed someone to forgive you and they wouldn't?
           1.   When we do wrong, our conscience bothers us
           2.   But when we wrong someone else, it is also a need to know that
                they don't continue to hold the mistake against us
           3.   For our own peace of mind, we need forgiveness
           4.   For peace with others, we need forgiveness
           5.   We learn it is also essential for peace with God.
      C.   This psalm revolves around the theme of forgiveness.  We want to
           study this theme a bit using the psalm as our outline
II.   The "Blessed" Man...
      A.   (V.1) Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is
           1.   Without this blessing there is none right with God, not one
                (PSALM 14:2-3)  God finds no one perfect before Him
           2.   If there is no forgiveness, there is no hope for us
           3.   This blessing can best be understood by seeing what we have
                without it. (EPH 2:12) Having no hope...
      B.   (V.2) Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity
           1.   This person is blessed because God does not consider his sin
                or iniquity against him.
           2.   No statement here is made as to how this freedom from sin is
                accomplished, but its reality is affirmed, and the goodness
                of this blessing is here described
      C.   (V.2) Even here it is evident the character of the man who is so
           blessed is considered--he must be one in "whose spirit there is no
           guile"  This person must be honest with himself and God
III.  The silent man...
      A.   (V.3) The silence here is contrasted with the confession of sin
           in verse 5--This silence was a silence of denial of responsibility
      B.   (V.3) This silence caused a terrible burden on the sinner
           1.   It was a decay to the bones (PSA 38:3,35:10,6:2)
           2.   One's life was full of "roaring" "groaning"(NIV)
      C.   (V.4) This silence caused God's hand to be heavy upon him
           1.   "My moisture is turned into the drought of summer"
                NIV--"My strength was sapped as in the heat of summer"
           2.   This person has lost his strength, his power to do good,
                because he had not admitted it when he sinned
           3.   We must likewise see the folly and burden of this course of
                action or this lack of insight into truth
IV.   The confessing man...
      A.   (V.5) Finally realizing the problem, he confessed his sin
           1.   I acknowledged my sin unto thee--the first step is to admit
                that what we have done is really sin--to give up pride in self
           2.   Mine iniquity have I not hid
                a)   It is a natural consequence of shame that we try to hide
                     the deeds that we know are sinful
                b)   But the futile attempts to hide sin from God maintain
                     our alienation from Him (JOHN 3:19-21) Hating the light
                c)   We must reconcile ourselves to the fact that we must
                     never seek a cloak for our sins, whether in excuse, in
                     ignorance, in folly, in the deeds of others, etc.
           3.   I said, "I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord..."
                a)   Confession is an act of speaking out--we have to make
                     the decision to speak.
b)   This is true of confessing Christ (ROM 10:9-10)
                c)   This is likewise true of confessing our sins
                     (JAMES 5:16) Confess faults (sins) to one another
                d)   This is a hard decision to make unless we are ready to
                     completely denounce and leave the sinful practice.
                e)   This is exactly what we must do--this is what makes this
                     step so important.  We must make a commitment to doing
                     the right thing.
           4.   Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin
                NIV--"you forgave the guilt of my sin"
                Was forgiveness here unconditional?  Of course not!
V.    The godly man (V. 6-7)
      A.   Every one that is godly will recognize the truth of the foregoing
           1.   We need forgiveness from God
           2.   We must decide that we have sinned, acknowledge it
           3.   We must make up our mind to leave sin, thus confess it and
                not try to hide it
           4.   We can receive God's forgiveness if we repent and ask God for
                forgiveness as His child.
      B.   Thus they will act
           1.   They will pray to God in an opportune time "in a time when
                thou mayest be found"
           2.   When are some times when God  "might not be found"?
                a)   When we've gone deeper and deeper into sin and are so
                     confused and deceived that we have forgotten how to be
                     acceptable to Him and need new teaching (HEB 5:12)
&nbsp;                b)   When we've waited till our deathbed to finally give our
                     life to Him and then finally, when we face the portals
                     of eternity, decide to give our final moments to Him.
                 c)   When we've let it go too long without penitance, remorse,
                     or desire to do right without correcting the sin
                d)   When we are insincere in our desire to do what is right
      C.   They will be strengthened
           Floods of great waters might attack, but they will not come nigh
           to him--strong, protected, safe because God is his protector
           (V.6) "Thou art my hiding place..."  Is God OUR hiding place?
VI.   Instruction to the hearer of the Psalm (V.8-11)
      A.   (V.8) This is instruction in the way we should go, live
      B.   (V.9) Don't be like the stubborn horse or mule
           1.   They lack understanding so that they can cooperate and work
                with their master in harmony and productivity
           2.   Thus they require a painful bit to force them into the way
                their master would have them go--We likewise shall have pain
                if we stubbornly resist God's will (ACTS 9:5)  "it is hard
                to kick against the pricks"
           3.   Will you be a willing servant, a team member, or a dumb,
                worthless one that will suffer pain because of your ill will
      C.   (V.10) It's much smarter to be righteous than wicked
           1.   The wicked shall see many sorrows (here and hereafter)
           2.   One who trusts in the Lord will see mercy from God
      D.   (V.11) Therefore the righteous have every reason to rejoice
           WE ARE FORGIVEN!
      E.   Are you forgiven?  If not, why not be forgiven now?

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