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From Faith to Sight

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

God takes us from the field, before
We see His newly opened door.
Before the dawn comes darkest night:
For we must walk by faith, not sight.

Though fruits delay, we persevere
In planting -- God will make them appear.
Results are not what God requires,
But patience which neither doubts nor tires.

Sin among saints must need arise,
The faint will fall before our eyes;
We do not stumble when they offend,
Resolved to reach the blessed end.

Both earthly wrongs in full display
And heaven's weavings hidden away
Inflame the heart to leave this sphere
To be with Christ, where all comes clear.

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