From the Inside Out
Quote from Forum Archives on February 22, 2011, 5:31 pmPosted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
I tabbed this out last night and thought I would share it. It is a pretty cool lick... it is the guitar-hook in "From the Inside Out" by Hillsong United.Best viewed with fixed-width font:
E----------------------------------------I use an F shape chord for the slide from 12 to 14, so that it looks like this:
Fret 12 13 14
E 1
B 2
G 3
Where 1 is my index, 2 the middle finger, 3 the ring finger (and 4 the pinky). Then I bar the 12th fret for the next bit, so that it looks like this:Fret 12 13 14
E 1
B 2
G 1
It makes it pretty easy to play and allows the notes to be nice and ringy. I hope someone finds this useful.
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Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
Best viewed with fixed-width font:
I use an F shape chord for the slide from 12 to 14, so that it looks like this:
Fret 12 13 14
E 1
B 2
G 3
Where 1 is my index, 2 the middle finger, 3 the ring finger (and 4 the pinky). Then I bar the 12th fret for the next bit, so that it looks like this:
Fret 12 13 14
E 1
B 2
G 1
It makes it pretty easy to play and allows the notes to be nice and ringy. I hope someone finds this useful.
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