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FW: Adapting Character Strength Scores into Roleplaying

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

>From Egil Wold:


Rules for Adapting the Character Strength Number Values for Roleplaying

The Character Strengths & General guidelines for Roleplaying

(See also LightRaider Handbook pp 60-62)

LOVE: One can role-play The Love-Strength by thinking of how oneself
reacts when being unloving and when being compassionate. It is also good
to study characters in the history books of the Bible. A LightRaider of
Love = 1-3, should be interested in doing good deeds when one self can
gain by it, and when one is given praise and honor by other people. Such
LightRaiders could be acting at all times, as the disciples of Jesus did,
when they rebuked women coming to Jesus with their children so that they
could be blessed.

JOY: One has to look at how oneself reacts when happy with 1) the gifts
of God 2) the unity with God, contra when one is trying to master
everything by ones own power.

PEACE: The key to roleplaying Peace, is by looking into ones own soul,
and see "how would you react being stuck in the middle of a dank forest,
after having watched horror films all night?" would you honestly be at
peace? Some would answer: that depend on the horror films..he he.., but I
guess it depends more on whether you are willing to repent unto the ways
of Christ, accepting that we shouldnt watch psychological dirt. When
giving away our lives to Jesus we are being transformed, and this brings
peace. Thus a character that has little peace, can be roleplayed as when
you yourself is full of anguish. A character that has a mediocre
Peace-number, can be empathically understood by seeing how oneself is
when being content, and safe, while one character with much peace would
say with the prophet-king David: Though an army should encamp against
me, My heart shall not fear; Though war should rise against me, In this I
will be confident" (Psalm 27, 3 - NKJV)

PATIENCE: Here is more from Psalm 27, describing Patience: "Wait on the
Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I
say, on the Lord!" verse 14, still NKJV.

KINDNESS: How much does your character bother to say good things about
others, even when it is not "required" or "not necessary", in order to
survive or get along without conflict? Is your character interested in
making other feel valuable, or to sooth those who are afflicted? When
they try to make another Player-Character recover from just having
survived being locked up in a tomb full of skeletons
(dark-creature-skeletons...that is!), and he or she hardly have any joy
left in the soul, would your character then bother to spend 2 days soul
providing, while the rest of the LightRaider do all "the fun"? A
character with a lot of kindness points has no problem sacrificing time
and effort to be a sole provider, when it is given into his or her hand
to do so!

GOODNESS: How much time and energy goes into caring for the helpless.
Does this character only sympathetic towards the needing (whether a
talking Animal, a Dragon Slave or another good creature? Some Bible
verses that gives a clue to roleplaying "Goodness", is James 1,22 and
also 1 John 2, 4-6 and 3, 18. Example: The LightRaider Dalanyr, has a
Love-score of 5, a kindness score of 8, and a goodness score of 1. He is
to be roleplayed as a person that has a lot of care for others, but he is
unable to do very many good deeds, perhaps because he frightened that
everybody will take advantage of his goodness. He seals up his love, and
only by making for example a successful Merciful Compassion-check, can
he let love flow through him, to do goodness. But since he has much
kindness, he always is loving in what he says, and is comfortable to be

FAITHFULNESS: Is the character trustable? Can he or she be found obedient
to the OverLord in both small as great matters?

GENTLENESS: This could be roleplayed as a kind of temperament. One who
has a low score in gentleness, is loud and easily irritated. When being
provoked he or she gives in to anger.

SELF-CONTROL: This could be roleplayed as the ability to not let every
negative feeling or temptation gain hold of oneself. Everybody
experiences bad feelings and temptations, but the higher the self-control
number, the easier it is not being transformed into sinful behavior, or
unwise and unloving attitude.

Here is a suggestion for adjectives describing how to roleplay the 9

The adjectives, or short descriptions, are not meant to be very
restrictive, in the way that it is not possible for a character to act
lovingly, when having a low score! But doing great works of Purity in the
OverLord, should call for a check-roll. Likewise, it is not should not be
absolutely impossible for characters with a 8 or 9 (or perhaps even 10)
in a score to sin or do unloving things, as the Bible clearly speaks of
life on earth as always, until death, or the transformation at the Second
Coming of Christ, being in battle with the flesh - the sinful lust in our
mortal remains. Thus, an angelic being, such as an Unicorn or Pegasus
(Which by the way should get some statistics to describe their special
abilities!!!) should have an 11 or more in (all of) the
Character-Strengths, if my interpretation of the rules are correct or


(1-2) Cold of Heart/lukewarm
(3-4) Starting to fight sin
(5-7) Normally loving
(8-9) Abounding in Love
(10) Unity with the OverLord

(1-2) Discontent / Depressed/feeling despair
(3-4) Beginn'efng to hope / increases search for light
(5-7) Normally joyful
(8-9) High moral / High Spirits
(10) Fears not even in the Valley of shadow of death

(1-2) Restless and frightened
(3-4) Momentary peace/Still weak when attacked
(5-7) At peace
(8-9) Very serene and full of the peace of the OverLord
(10) Adeep well of contentment, even in hardship/never rocked

(1-2) Gluttonous and hedonistic /seeks pleasure, not sactification/
grumbles and complaints
(3-4) Has learned to pray for help insted of accusing the OverLord
(5-7) Patient even in hardship
(8-9) Awaits the Judgement of the Almighty
(10) Praises the OverLordalways, even in the midst of Suffering

(1-2) Unkind/ Hard and judging toward the neighbour
(3-4) Kind toward the kind: but not loving towards but not loving
towards grumpy people
(5-7) Kind in most situations
(8-9) Kind toward even the unrighteous
(10) Always uplifting and generous

(1-2) Fleshly/worldly/ can be cruel
(3-4) Does good deeds when seeing the reward, or having a good day
(5-7) Being righteous, doing good, but can be hindered
(8-9) Does good even when it cost
(10) Knows the Will of the OverLord, and consequently does it

(1-2) Untrustable
(3-4) Can be trusted sometimes
(5-7) Generally trustworthy
(8-9) Can be trusted in the day of evil
(10) Found to be impeccable

(1-2) Easily angered/ hard of person
(3-4)Gentle toward those that are gentle to him/her
(5-7) Warm of heart/ may soulprovide
(8-9) Has such gentle personality as to give other hope/ is a good
(10) Without hatred for anything but Dragons and DarkCreatures

(1-2) Undiciplined/reckless/has no boundaries/shows forth anything that
occupies the heart
(3-4) Accepts that one must have some boundaries/ Has begun forming ones
(5-7)Stays in control at most times
(8-9) Very diciplined / The will controlls emotions
(10) Never allows anything to affect the soul that are not from The
OverLord Mastering him/herself