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Fw: Baby Catherine

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

The following communication is from a girlfriend.  Her son Josh & daughter-in-law YY, just had their second daughter.  My friend explains below that when YY got preg. she went through a series of test that said the baby was abnormal.  Please read this and pass it along to others.  We've probably all heard a similar story, but w/o considering the failure rate of the accuracy of these tests that are done on preg. mothers. It's a sobering thought to consider the evil side of science having such a hidden agenda to destroy life in this manner.  How many babies were sacrificed that otherwise would be alive??? 
The grandmother shares their story......
 The whole time YY was pregnant, they kept getting "test results" saying she was quite possibly Downs, and other horrible things, bad intestinal issues, deformities, etc.  it made for a horrible time for them both, worrying, praying, having to trust, trying to brace themselves for bad news and how they were going to physically and financially manage a disabled child, care for a Down's the rest of their lives and after they are gone, etc etc.  It was just awful.  The tests they do, are routine to all the babies.  And the error rate is horrible.  Josh researched it for hours and come to find out all these other parents being told the same things, over and over, by the hundreds and thousands (even like "you have a one in 65 chance of....." and then pushing it that they are that ONE in the 65, etc etc, it is just a racket!), and all freaking out, then having normal babies..... the key is... IF they didn't freak out and go ahead and abort the babies.  I have felt for a long long time that these companies that contract to run the tests, were like the ones I fought off trying to get their mitts on the kids in the school system, when I worked for the school board.  They make big $$ with some lame pansy test they come up with that is virtually worthless and has not been researched enough to know if it is anything more than some test someone came up with and not necessarily even accurate, then contract with some bigwhig to do them on EVERYONE, and then make beaucoup bucks.  the tests are worthless, and all they really are, is a way of genocide, to thin out the population, while the company makes big money.  The fewer kids being born, the less the ins co's shell out so they shell out for the tests hoping half the babies will be aborted, etc etc.  And the parents freak the whole 9 mo, in agony, wondering what to do. When the whole time, the babies were fine.  Josh's research indicated that the percentage of babies with issues was the same whether the tests were neg or positive, so obviously the tests are totally irrelevant.  Babies with issues do happen but the tests are not accurate about their pos or their neg results, the results are irrelevant. 
The son Josh is a computer geek for CNN.  The grandmother is a retired RN that worked for DHS part of her career.
 Please help us tell their story...maybe it could save a life.
Baby Catherine....perfect!

8.7 lb.  22 in.

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