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Fw: continued improvement for Nicole

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

+  We thought you'd want to get the latest report on God's response to your praying for Deanna and baby Nicole.  Here's Deanna's letter we received a few minutes ago.
Thanks again for your intercession.  We prayed for her today at our team meeting here in Kiev.
+  Also, Jo Ann just got off the phone with our IMB doctor missionary discussing her recent discomforts with pain and blood pressure, and he has some concerns that need to be investigated.  She'll be increasing her blood pressure medication tonight and checking any areas of pain for certain symptoms that will help better understand just what might be involved.  He doesn't see any connection between her fluctuating blood pressure and possible gall bladder issues.
At this point, he wants to consider some possibilities which are pretty remote but worth checking.  So, we ask your immediate prayer for this development.  We'll certainly keep you posted as we go along.
Depending on what is going on with Jo Ann, we're also facing the following two items:
+  I'll also be meeting with the President of KCU Thursday morning at 9:30 (that will be around 1:30 am your time) to discuss the practicum program at the school.  This will hopefully give us better insight that will enable us to respond appropriately as it relates to our future ministry.  So, we'd appreciate your prayer for us then.
+  Finally, we both have taken the big step and will begin extensive dental treatment next week.  I'll be having a tooth extracted Monday evening around 7:00 our time (11:00 am CDT).  Then the following Friday (28th) we'll both begin extensive work ---- bridge work, filling replacements, porcelin sealing, etc.  So, would also appreciate your prayers in this area for the next three weeks.
Believe it or not, you don't go here for a 30 to 60 minute appointment ---- you spend three to six hours!  Wonder how we'll feel after our mouths have been propped open for such long times???
Now read Deanna's letter below, and rejoice with us.
Bob and Jo Ann
----- Original Message -----

From: <a href="">The Reynolds (FBC La Grange)
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: continued improvement for Nicole
We jsut returned from another ultrasound/NST.  On the ultrasound she "passed" all 8 of 8 criteria, including fetal breathing (which she didn't do last time).  She has also gained 5-7 ounces in 4 dfays.  At this stage 8 oz. per week is what they want to see, so that was good to se.  Also, her bladder wasn't as large this time, the fluid levels were all well within normal range as last time.
Her NST, though slightly better than last Thursdays, does still not meet the criteria of being a positive "reactive" result.  She has lots of movement and her heart rate did increase better this time, but it is still not sustained long enough.  What they want to see is a 15 beat per minute rate increase that is sustained for 15 seconds -- and they want that to happen twice in a 20 minute period.
By this stage of pregnancy (based at the later July 6th date), 80% of babies will have normal reactive NSTs.  That said, he said there are plenty of those other 20% that test just fine once born.  If there were several other “abnormalities” along with her current NST, then they would have a lot more concern and consider further testing, taking her early, etc.  But basically, other than her small size, this remains to be the only area of concern right now.
So, we are going to continue to have NSTs done twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays); however, have to only have ultrasounds done once a week instead of 2 as originally planned.  The ultrasounds will be on Mondays.  Basically, they want to be able to keep an eye on her growth/size which can most accurately be done via ultrasound.
If the NST’s don’t continue to improve to the point they want, they may run a test at the hospital where they put her under stress simulating hard contractions to see how her heart responds then; but it is not at that point yet and we pray it won’t.
We started out with 5-6 different areas of concern and are down to just the NST and weight, both of which are gradually improving; so that is all wonderful news and also just continues to encourage us that God is in complete control and is being faithful to respond to the obedient prayers of His children.
So, thank you again for your prayers, and please continue to do so. 