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Fw: FREE Holy Lands CD

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

If you or someone you know would like more information about Holy Lands;
The Christian RPG, we would be happy to send a FREE informational CD out
right away. This CD presentation covers the basics of role-playing and
some fundamentals about Holy Lands. Its perfect for folks who are
curious about Christians playing RPGs (role-playing games) and how Holy
Lands can be used as a ministry.

With so many popular games in the world that are growing darker and more
evil, how can we as Christians be entertained with RPGs anymore?

The answer is Holy Lands; The Dark Ages! With a clear conscience and a
clear message, Holy Lands is the obvious choice for Christians who want
an entertaining alternative to the popular RPGs of the world.

Request your free CD now. Visit and fill out
the form. We will mail your CD out immediately.

Shipments available for US deliveries only. Windows compatible only.
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