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Fw: FW: News from Marie Ens

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

I received this from my Father..... Good reminders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This we received from wonderful missionary friends. Paul

Dear TNT Friends: (TNT ???? Tried n' True!!)

"Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bell.
I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.
C.T. Studd

Within a yard of hell is Preah Khet Melea Military Hospital!
If someone had told me that I would spend my retirement helping Cambodian
soldiers sick with AIDS and all that implies I doubt that I would have
jumped for joy at the prospect. Yet those of us who spend hours in the
awful place that is Preah Khet Melea Hospital find great satisfaction in
ministering to these that are surely "the least of these". King Jesus
says, "You did it to me." (Matthew 25:40 ) Meditating on this truth I
realized that those the King praised were not ever aware of what they were
doing as they visited the sick, fed the hungry and clothed the needy. But
King Jesus accepted it as to Himself anyway! This week as I gently
washed the shriveled face of a man dying of AIDS and then dribbled cool
water into his mouth I was deeply moved to think I was ministering to the
Lord Jesus in His suffering. Realizing this is hugely motivating!! Just
13 days ago I shared the gospel with a very sick man. He listened
intently as I explained the pictures depicting the plan of salvation. We
came to the picture of Jesus on the cross and I asked, "Uncle, do you want
to give your sins to Jesus?" With tears in his eyes he answered, "Yes!"
Yesterday Sokhan and I went to visit him. He lay on the tile floor in his
own filth groaning in agony. The stench was terrible! . We mopped years
of filth off the floor. In the corner was a small pile of garbage which
when disturbed produced a scurry of biting ants. We found a few able
patients who could help us clean him up. I was moved to hear him say,
"Thank you brother." to the man who washed him. We brought adult sized
diapers and a new clean mat and blanket. Sokhan went to buy him some
coconut water. Finally we knelt beside him to pray. He raised his hands
in the gesture of prayer and received the blessing of Jesus. This
morning when we returned he was again lying with his filthy diaper on.
No-one wanted to change him. Finally we persuaded a patient to help.
Someone called the doctor who stood in the doorway with his nose turned up
and told us the man had AIDS. As if we didn't know that!! At our
insistence the doctor came in and then gave him a shot. The man relaxed
and rested and then woke to eat a little. Then he slipped away to be with
Jesus in his beautiful new home. Six or eight others are very sick right
now. They are all so grateful for the loving concern. Please pray that
all may die in peace knowing the love of the Lord Jesus and trusting in
His death to atone for their sins.

Last night I did not sleep so well and realize I am a bit overextended
emotionally. Will you pray for me and the others who form the visitation
team. Last week we had 11 people. We are praying for 20 who will go each

The expected date of arrival of the crates is Aug. 12. Please join us in
praying that we will not have to pay any duty and that we won't be hassled
for bribes. Pray too that we might have wisdom in using the wonderful
"goodies" that have been given.

Thank you so much for your love and prayers and gifts to share with the
poorest of the poor here in Cambodia.

Joyfully yours, Marie and Sokhan