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Fw: Sharon/Julie and BAD DAYS

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Duane and Julie Banks" <>
To: "David & Deanna Haley" <>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: [HomeSteadHeaven] Sharon/Julie and BAD DAYS

> Deanna, that is so sad the people who were going to buy backed out.
> Sometimes it seems if it isn't one thing it is another. I will keep them
> my prayers tho.
> Talk about bad days goodness, do you ever wish you didn't have any
> critters at all??? I am at my wits end today. Our goats, who have never
> ever gotten out of their pen, got out today. First it was one of our pygmy
> babies, she somehow ended up in the ponys pasture. That was scarey because
> our pony is a yearling who has been known to stomp rabbits to death and
> a very naughty attituded sometimes. Our little Ivy is a tiny tiny goat
> (maybe 20 #'s). I went in there to save our little Ivy from the big bad
> and the pony jumped on me (this is right after I get out of the shower and
> had just gotten dressed in a light yellow shirt, and it was raining out!)
> Then my hubby comes home for lunch and he says "I see your letting the
> have a fun day out there" ! The rest of my goats (ALL 13 of them) were
> loose!! So we grabbed a bucket of food and thank goodness they all came
> running and into the barn. We were trying to get the fence fixed where
> had gotten out at and the sheep were all screaming at us, we could not
> one another through all their noise and the guinea's wife had gone to lay
> her nest and the guinea hubby was screaming and screaming because "he
> her" I suppose. The baby ducks were quacking like mad (they just learned
> quack instead of peep) so they were having a great time out there. The
> chickens (they are only 6 weeks old) were running all over the place,
> like they were trying to get squashed by the goats! I came in the house
> a couple of our parrots were tearing apart some woodwork and my dogs
> all over me (they just love their mommy), and I just stood there and
> my eyes out! I didn't even get up till 11:00 this morning because when I
> went to sleep last night (finally at 1:00), I had a terrible nightmare and
> woke my hubby up by screaming at this horrible bad man in my dream! I
> didn't dare go back to sleep for a long time during the night. The well
> driller is due here tomorrow as is the people who are putting in our
> system and we have to get out there and get everything fixed up for
> tomorrows activities and I just want to stay in here and hybernate. Hubby
> Duane just went back to work, promising me he would be home in about a
> hour and said we would do something fun for a few hours. I can't think of
> thing that would be fun right now. I know, whine, whine, whine, it is
> one of those days around here. It is ALMOST comical!
> Just thought I would share my most lovely day so far!! Hope you all got a
> good chuckle out of it, I know I will laugh about it later today, but
> now, I just want to cry my eyes out. Do you all have days like this???
> Sometimes I swear I am going nuts!
> God bless you all, thanks for letting me vent here. I will be all better
> shortly and will resume my usual upbeat attitude. Love, Julie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David & Deanna Haley" <>
> To: "Duane and Julie Banks" <>
> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 6:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [HomeSteadHeaven] Sharon/Julie
> > She found a home for Mary the 10 month old. She went to a family with 5
> > children. Jackie is spayed and is 2 I think. She's a lovely dog. She
> > lived at my house for 3 months and is well behaved. She's a tri-color
> > collie. As of last night they had not found a home for her....AND the
> > people that were going to buy there home backed out....Deanna