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Fw: Just passing it on.

Posted by: mpeveto <mpeveto@...>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tonya McIntyre" <>
To: "Runt" <>; "Kim McIntyre" <>; "Mark
Peveto" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 9:29 PM
Subject: Just passing it on.

I got this e-mail and thought it was very interesting, so I'm just passing it on.
> Subject: A Thought For The Day
> Hi Everyone,
> May each of you have a blessed day.
> Do we put the blood of Jesus on trial? - Anonymous
> One night in a church service a young woman felt the tug of God at her
> heart. She responded to God's call and accepted Jesus as her Lord and
> Savior. The young woman had a very rough past, involving alcohol, drugs,
> and prostitution. But, the change in her was evident. As time went on
> she became a faithful member of the church. She eventually became
> involved in the ministry, teaching young children. It was not very long
> until this faithful young woman had caught the eye and heart of the
> pastor's son.
> The relationship grew and they began to make wedding plans. This is when
> the problems began. You see, about one half of the church did not think
> that a woman with a past such as hers was suitable for a pastor's son.
> The church began to argue and fight about the matter. So they decided to
> have a meeting. As the people made their arguments and tensions
> increased, the meeting was getting completely out of hand.
> The young woman became very upset about all the things being brought up
> about her past. As she began to cry the pastor's son stood to speak. He
> could not bear the pain it was causing his wife to be. He began to speak
> and his statement was this:
> "My fiancée's past is not what is on trial here. What you are questioning
> is the ability of the blood of Jesus to wash away sin. Today you have put
> the blood of Jesus on trial. So, does it wash away sin or not?"
> The whole church began to weep as they realized that they had been
> slandering the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
> Too often, even as Christians, we bring up the past and use it as a weapon
> against our brothers and sisters. Forgiveness is a very foundational part
> of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If the blood of Jesus does not
> cleanse the other person completely then it cannot cleanse us completely.
> If that is the case, then we are all in a lot of trouble. What can wash
> away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus....end of case!!!
> "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be
> condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Give, and it shall be
> given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and
> running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure
> that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."
> Luke 6:37-38

Tonya McIntyre