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Fw: [RS] TAN: Warning: Christian content...

Posted by: stampinbookworm <stampinbookworm@...>

This is thought provoking...came from my rubber stampers list.

Vaughnde Edwards
Missoula, Montana
Praise the Lord, He is Risen Indeed!!

>Ok you have been warned. I am just wanting others thoughts on this
> I just watched our president's speech on freezing financial assests
>of organizations, banks and individuals who are thought to
>be contributing to terrroists. Well. A natural step, though possibly
>not very profitable as they deal mostly with cash. But a
>step and testimony that we are going to fight terrorism.
> My thought to you all right now is this. Did it make any of you stop
>and think just how easy it will be to have Christian's
>assests frozen? How long will it be before someone points a finger at us
>and says, some of their charities have been routed to
>terrorists, and so make all Christian suspect and able to have our monies
> Rev 13:17 "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
>mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his
> Naturally, we would each cringe if we found that some of our missions
>offerings were used in such a horrific way. Could it
>happen or already have happened? Maybe! We do tend to trust more easily
>than most don't we?
> I am not trying to stir up strife here. Far from it. I guess what I
>am trying to say is, we need to be watchful. Government
>policies have just been given a foothold to do what is foretold.
> Sisters, our time may be closer than we thought.
> Just some thoughts I have had. Obviously, I have not had the time to
>think them through. I am grateful and really do believe
>that our President is a Christian. That doesn't mean, horever, that
>historical events won't happen durring his tenure.