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Fw: Thank You For Your Prayers and News

Posted by: jnthrower <jnthrower@...>

Here is a note from my Brother.  Thanks for your prayers!
Pastor  Jerry Thrower

Dear Brothers And Sisters In Christ:
Well I am home from the hospital and yesterday was a long day and today is a day of weakness and being sore from the procedure. Thank You for you prayers and letters.
 It was about 9:30 when they did the heart cath. The news was not all bad! The doctor found a new blockage it was a small artery, and he said that was where I was probably getting all the pain from.  The good news about it was that my heart had already created a by-pass around it. 
How about That!  I think the Lord had something to do with that. 
I still have a major artery in the front on the heart that is 50% blocked.  The doctor is going to wait a while on that one because of the new stints that are expected to come out in the next year.  He also thinks I might have a problem with the rhythm of my heart so next week he is going to put me on a heart monitor for 24 hours. 
Continue to Pray that I can gain strength over the next few days.
Again thank you for you prayers.
Pastor Ronnie Thrower