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Fw: Update on Sharri

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

----- Original Message -----

we had a very good day at the CTCA. The

people were wonderful, and we felt encouraged.
I go back Mon and will have extensive testing, (PET scan, bone marrow biopsy,
blood work, and will see the pulmonary Drs about the spots in my lungs.)
I felt that the Drs here are FAR more thorough and CARING than anyplace I
have ever been.
They also use Target drugs vs chemo (Like Bruzynski in TX does) which is what I am
HOPING for! 
I look forward to hearing their treatment plan on Tues.
Prayer needs:  Pray that my scan and other tests don't give us any "surprises" or
else that treatment will not be possible.
Also, that if they CAN do the target treatment--(which btw, only harms the bad cells and
not the good cells) - that I don't react to it allergically. Only about 1-3% of people DO, and cannot
have it. It's the ONLY side affect to this treatment.
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:  Philippians 1:6

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