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Fwd: A Message from Larry Davies

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here is a humorous story in the life of Larry Davies that has a message
about literacy and the Word of God about finding wisdom and gaining
understanding. I hope you find the humor amusing, but I pray that you
find a practical application to the message of finding wisdom and
gaining understanding, and possibly taking the opportunity to help
someone in your area - whether your own child or someone in your
community, learn to read or improve their reading skills.

I know that for me, personally, that reading and writing are two of the
major ways that I communicate, especially with modern Internet
technology, and definitely in any job that I have ever had.

Oh yes, Larry is not alone. I have made that same mistake at least
once. I don't remember fleeing from the establishment, though - but I
did leave that room where I was clearly out of place right away!

Yours in Christ,

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