[Fwd: Do your singers need help with expression? 56 songs, tracks, sheetmusic are ready for you to download.]
Quote from Forum Archives on February 16, 2009, 9:12 amPosted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
I thought this might be of interest.-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Do your singers need help with expression? 56 songs, tracks, sheetmusic are ready for you to download. Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 08:16:24 -0500 (EST) From: Mark Condon <mcondon@markcondon.com> Reply-To: mcondon@markcondon.com To: rxdca@usa.net <!--Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Constant Contact. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under a separate written agreement with Constant Contact, neither the Constant Contact software, nor any content that appears on any Constant Contact site, including but not limited to, web pages, newsletters, or templates may be reproduced, republished, repurposed, or distributed without the prior written permission of Constant Contact. For inquiries regarding reproduction or distribution of any Constant Contact material, please contact legal@constantcontact.com.-->
Does your group look bored? Does your congregation just stare at you?
Please read below and change your group forever!
WOW! what a fantastic weekend. Carol and I was in Palmbay, Florida working with such an amazing church and group of worshipers! It does not hurt that it has been gorgeous weather all weekend. For someone in Ohio, Florida is always the will of God in February! HA. I have to say it, "I Love My Life"If you have not used this NEW Eddie James Song "FREEDOM" in your church I really urge you to consider it. We tore this song up last night. We had several people give their personal testimony on where God has brought them from between choruses! I am telling you, we ROCKED the house! The great thing is this song is so very very easy to play and sing. Whenever you have an easy song to sing, play and it goes over well, that is a win! So, go and download from the iClub this great song and learn it this week! Only 4 chords!
When you join today we will give the 2 previous YEARS of music for FREE!!! Do it today and cash in on over $2300.00 worth of music!
Check out what these worship leaders are saying!
Hello Mark!
Thank you so much for making your music so easy to access. I had been looking for some new choir music and thought about you and looked you up on the web. I had no idea that you had an iclub until I went on your site and found it. WOW!! I know GOD led me to think about you because we were in desperate need of something with oil!! I will spread the news about your site to all my worship leading friends!! Again, thank you for making your music available. I love the song "You Are Welcome".
Become a Member Today!
*****How Can I Get My Choir/Worship Team To Sing With Expression?
First of all, we must always understand that it is not the followers (congregation) fault when people do not respond but that responsibility rests upon the leaders. The singers, band members and worship leader are the leaders!!! Many times we become frustrated when the church appears to be sitting on us and not responding. My comment on that is if you were staring at what they were staring at you would probably figure out real quick why they are not responding. They are just mimicking what they are seeing.The congregation is almost always a reflection of the leadership. We may be singing, "I Feel The Joy Of The Lord Falling Fresh On Me..." but there is not a sign of Joy within a country mile of our face! This is a serious YIKES!
So, here are a couple of things that I suggest in my seminars to help you.
1. Video your team, choir, singers and musicians in one of your services without informing them you are doing so. Have the camera man focus on every face that is on your platform for a minimum of 3 seconds. Then take a few minutes in your next rehearsal and show your worship team what they look like. Point out the good and the not so good.
Enthusiasm is contagious!!! However, so is the lack of enthusiasm contagious! I teach in my seminars all the time that we must set the culture of our church by example. I cannot obviously go into all of the details on the "how" in a little article but I did want to share at least a few ideas.
2. In your rehearsal have each member turn and sing to their neighbor. Instruct them to sell the song to their fellow member. You will quickly see them smile, use their hands, use more expression and even sing with more passion.
I then let them know that they need to use that same body language for the church. It's easy when they are two feet from your face but it becomes a little more difficult if the people are twenty or fifty feet away. If we will sing with that same enthusiasm it will catch on like a fire!
3. No one likes a fake! I never require a singer/musicians to become someone they are not! I just want everyone to become everything they truly are. If you talk with your hands then you ought to sing with your hands. How you sing in the shower or in the car when you are driving down the road is how you ought to sing when you are on the platform. Most likely that is the real YOU! Bring that person to church with you. I find that most singers bring the bashful and the scared person to the platform.
I honestly believe that when a singer steps into their true identity, there is a new level of anointing that begins to take place. You do not need to do it like someone else, just become the best you!
We are committed to bringing you fabulous music that works! For almost two years we have been working hard to serve you and we are excited about our best year yet! Get in today and receive all 47 songs for FREE. Just a couple more days! Don't miss out!Sincerely,
Mark Condon
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-- Douglas rxdca@usa.net http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=612566707&ref=profile There's people been talking They say they're worried about my soul Well, I'm here to tell you I'll keep rocking 'Til I'm sure it's my time to roll - Rich Mullins "Elijah" Phil 4:13-- To unsubscribe, send ANY message to: aog-unsubscribe@welovegod.org Please see our FAQ at welovegod.org/groups/aog
Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | Do your singers need help with expression? 56 songs, tracks, sheetmusic are ready for you to download. |
Date: | Mon, 16 Feb 2009 08:16:24 -0500 (EST) |
From: | Mark Condon <mcondon@markcondon.com> |
Reply-To: | mcondon@markcondon.com |
To: | rxdca@usa.net |
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markcondon.com | 1626 West Audubon Blvd. | Lancaster | OH | 43130
-- Douglas rxdca@usa.net http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=612566707&ref=profile There's people been talking They say they're worried about my soul Well, I'm here to tell you I'll keep rocking 'Til I'm sure it's my time to roll - Rich Mullins "Elijah" Phil 4:13
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