Fwd: Fwd: COVID pre-treatment
Quote from Forum Archives on December 14, 2020, 6:09 pmPosted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>
Hello, dear friends and family:Because of the COVID-19 far reaching pandemic, I am writing to all of my e-mail lists, hoping to share the following and attached information with as many people as possible. There are three very important attachments you should read. If they are, for some reason, not attached, please e-mail me at [email protected] and I will personally send them to you. Sometimes mailing list providers strip pictures and attachments, so be sure to write if the three are not on your copy. If you use an i-Phone instead of computer, you may not be able to receive them. It depends on your provider and your phone.
Also, DO NOT SIMPLY REPLY to this letter. It will either go to everyone on the list, or it will go to no one at all, depending on the settings of that particular list. Send ONLY to my personal e-mail noted above.
Lisa Wood is a dear friend whom we know through her parents. She is a school teacher at a Christian school in the Oro Valley area of Tucson, AZ, and is head of the school's Science Department. Her brother is a Pulmonologist in Tucson, her mother is a retired nurse, and her father is former Chief of Surgery at Tucson Medical Center. So, she is far from a "fanatic" or a "hack". When she researches something, it is worth checking out.
So, please read her note and also the three attachments. If you take appropriate action, it can significantly affect the outcome of any contact you might have with the Corona Virus. Jo Ann and I have been "gorgng" ourselves with vitamins since 1977 and believe that is one reason why, at our ages, we have had little or no serious health issues other than Jo Ann's mild heart attack three years ago. Not long ago her doctor told her she had some of the healthiest blood she had ever seen and that her health was like that of a woman in her 30's.
Of the five basic items Lisa lists below, Jo Ann and I already take four of them, and will be adding the fifth this week.
Anyhow, check the attachments out
Bob and Jo Ann
><> ><> ><> ><> ><>Hi Everyone,
With the recent uptick in COVID cases both in Arizona and nationwide, I thought I would send out this list again.
I had a long talk with Dr. Rob Dean after church in March. He is running Urgent Care Specialists and treating patients with COVID and constantly researching the best modes of prevention and treatment. I asked him what I could do prophylactically for COVID and he said that he recommends that his patients take the following 5 supplements. He said that he has only had 1 patient that was admitted to the hospital who had been taking these things, and that person had complicating factors, but was only in for 3 days before becoming well enough to go home. I asked him to send me more specific info, so I am attaching it for all of you to read if you choose to take these supplements. Another thing he told me is that at least 90% of the people who have died from COVID have been at least 20% deficient in their Vitamin D3 levels.
Of course it is TOTALLY UP TO YOU if you want to do this, but I thought I would share it with all of you to use your own judgment as to whether or not you want to go this route. If you do, PLEASE READ Dr. Dean's attachments first, but I am writing the basic list below with dosages taken from the attached flyer and from Dr. Dean.
Vitamin C = 1000 mg per day
Vitamin D3 = 1000mg IU per day
Zinc = 50 mg 3x per week
Quercitin = 500 mg 1-2x per day
N-aetyl-cysteine = 600 mg 1-2x per day
Lisa Wood
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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>
Because of the COVID-19 far reaching pandemic, I am writing to all of my e-mail lists, hoping to share the following and attached information with as many people as possible. There are three very important attachments you should read. If they are, for some reason, not attached, please e-mail me at [email protected] and I will personally send them to you. Sometimes mailing list providers strip pictures and attachments, so be sure to write if the three are not on your copy. If you use an i-Phone instead of computer, you may not be able to receive them. It depends on your provider and your phone.
Also, DO NOT SIMPLY REPLY to this letter. It will either go to everyone on the list, or it will go to no one at all, depending on the settings of that particular list. Send ONLY to my personal e-mail noted above.
Lisa Wood is a dear friend whom we know through her parents. She is a school teacher at a Christian school in the Oro Valley area of Tucson, AZ, and is head of the school's Science Department. Her brother is a Pulmonologist in Tucson, her mother is a retired nurse, and her father is former Chief of Surgery at Tucson Medical Center. So, she is far from a "fanatic" or a "hack". When she researches something, it is worth checking out.
So, please read her note and also the three attachments. If you take appropriate action, it can significantly affect the outcome of any contact you might have with the Corona Virus. Jo Ann and I have been "gorgng" ourselves with vitamins since 1977 and believe that is one reason why, at our ages, we have had little or no serious health issues other than Jo Ann's mild heart attack three years ago. Not long ago her doctor told her she had some of the healthiest blood she had ever seen and that her health was like that of a woman in her 30's.
Of the five basic items Lisa lists below, Jo Ann and I already take four of them, and will be adding the fifth this week.
Anyhow, check the attachments out
Bob and Jo Ann
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