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Fwd: Issue No.105 August, 2013 | Freedom and its Abuse

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


"Grace & Peace" is an e-periodical for spiritual
edification and encouragement.
Issue No.105 August,
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In this issue:-


Freedom and its Abuse

On August 15, once again people of India celebrated their day of
independence. No doubt, freedom is invaluable, beautiful and sweet. It
brings joy, strength, peace and even makes us bold.As people began to
enjoy various aspects of freedom, there is a cry for more freedom from
every corner.
        Does it
mean the people of India are really free in every aspect? Not at
all.Bonded labourers and child workers are plenty. Freedom of expression
and faith is often on paper only. Politically, economically and
socially, not all are free indeed. Apart from that many others are under
the bondage of bad habits, ignorance, false faith and even sinful
        No wonder
true freedom is found only in The Lord Jesus Christ. Just as the Jews of
Christ time failed to realize their slavery under the Romans, today men
fail to feel the real bondage they undergo. The word of God
categorically declares that man is in bondage. In John 8: 32 – 36. The
Lord told them, “”Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.” V. 34. Paul
writes, “to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that
one’s slaves whom you obey...” Romans 6:16. Apostle Peter makes it more
clear, “by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into
bondage.” 2Peter 2:19.

Joy of liberty
Slavery to
self and sin is the most serious problem man is facing today, but the
irony is many do not care about it. With self-efforts and short-cuts man
thinks he can find freedom, but end up in more repression. It is from
such spiritual oppression the Lord Jesus delivers us. Cf. Colossians
1:13; Romans 6:6; Galatians 5:1 etc.

        Every born again
Christian enjoys true spiritual freedom. The joy and peace experienced
by them is inexpressible and beyond measure. The more we know the truth
of the word of God, stay close to the Son and being led by the Spirit of
God, this experience of liberty is enhanced proportionately. Cf. John
8:32, 36; 2Cor 3:17. Christians who are committed to follow the New
Testament principles and practices do enjoy much more liberty than any

Danger of abuse
there is another aspect of freedom, which is the abuse of it. Many from
around the world are worried about the blatant abuse of liberty. In the
name of freedom of speech and expression, people think they can say and
do anything. They think freedom means free for all, no restriction, no
boundary whatsoever. So they live in any way, speak anything, and act in
any manner.
        Few weeks
ago, in an Indian city somebody objected to the naked walk of certain
people, immediately they replied, its part of our religious belief. In
the name of freedom of religion walking naked! Throughout the world,
especially in some of the developed world, it has become a fashion to
move around with minimum or no dress, saying it’s their freedom!
Ironically, the same people will not honour the freedom of Christians to
propagate their faith.
Such attitude is creeping in to the mind of some believers too.
Highlighting the freedom they have in Christ, they think they are free
to do anything and live in any style. It seems those hold the
and ‘priesthood’ of all believers are prone to
think they are absolutely free and no one can control their words or
deeds! The word of God unmistakably warns Christians against the abuse
of liberty. Notice the following verses.
Galatians 5:1:- 3
“… called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for
the flesh, but through love serve one another.”

“As free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but
as bondservants of God.”

1Corinthians 6:12:- “All
things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are
lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.”

1Corinthians 8:9:- “But beware lest somehow this liberty
of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.”

1Corinthians 10:23:- “All things are lawful for me,
but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me but not all
things edify.”

how plainly the word of God tells of the way we should exercise our
freedom in Christ. Yes, we are not under the Law of Moses, not even
under any man made tradition. That doesn’t mean we have no restriction
in life. We are not without any law or principle. At home, society or
local church there is a definite way for Christian’s behaviour. We
cannot simply conduct in any method as we wish.

For God’s glory
Observe what
Paul affirms, though He is free to do anything, he will not use that
freedom, if it’s not helpful or disturbs others. Finally in 1 Cor. 10:31
he says we ought to do everything for the glory of God. We have to
examine whether the exercise of our freedom brings glory to God or not.

        So, a true Christian is
not one who lead a lawless, free life, but one who lives responsibly for
God’s glory and the edification of God’s people. In fact true Christian
freedom is to live under the yoke of Christ. Matt. 11:29. As we stay
close to Him, guided and led by the Sprit of God we learn from Him more
and that results in the enjoyment of spiritual freedom to live a
God-honouring life. Cf. Romans 6:22; 1Cori 7:22; Matt 11:29; 2Cori 3:17.

Yield to God
Dear Christian
believer, how do you enjoy your spiritual freedom? Are you still under
the bondage of self, sin and Satan? Are you still possessed by the past,
guilt, fear, hatred, worry etc? Enjoy freedom in Christ. Know the Lord
and His word.
        Be happy to
be a slave of Jesus Christ. The joy and freedom under the yoke of Christ
is truly wonderful and indescribable. True believer does not find it
difficult to be under the restrictions God has set, whether in the
church or society.

Out line:-

Seven Great Things

  • Great wickedness. Gen 6:5
  • Great death. 2Cori 1: 10
  • Great white throne. Rev 20:11
  • Great mercy. Psa 103:11
  • Great salvation. Heb 2:3
  • Great Reward. Psa 19:11
  • Great gulf between. Luke 16:25

Anecdote: -

Liberty under Control

Dr. Ironside tells the story of Muslim convert from India, doing
business in the US, who hesitated to eat pork during a Sunday school
outing. It was a surprise to the believer who was serving the food.

        “Why Mr. Ali”, She asked,
“you surprise me, are you still under the law that you cannot eat pork?
Don’t you know that a Christian is at liberty to eat any kind of meat?”

        And Mr. Ali replied, “I
am at liberty, my dear young lady, to eat it, but I am also at liberty
to let it alone. You know I was brought up a strict Mohammedan. After
every three years I go back to India to render an account of the
business to my father. He is really the head of the business, and to
have a visit with the folks at home. Always when I get home I know how I
will be greeted. When I and the friends will all be sitting inside the
house, and my father will come to the door, when the servant announces
that I’m there, and he will say, ‘Mohammed, have those infidels taught
you to eat the filthy pig meat yet?’ ‘No, Father,’ I will say, ‘pork has
never passed my lips.’ Then I can go in and have the opportunity to
preach Christ to them. If I took one of your sandwiches, I couldn’t
preach Christ to my father the next time I go home”

Anecdote: -

Facebook could take away our joy!

Social net working sites have become an integral part of many people.
Countless have found it the best way to keep in touch with dear ones.
Even Facebook has helped many old friends to connect again. But
according to a recent study Facebook use does not improve the level of
our satisfaction .....More

Worthy Quotes:-

Freedom: it’s abuse

“The lost enjoy forever the
horrible freedom they have demanded.”

_____________________  C.S. Lewis

“May we think of freedom, not as
the right to do as we please
but as the opportunity to do what is

  _________ Peter Marchell.

“Free will carried many a soul
to hell, but never a soul to heaven.”

  _________ Charles Spurgeon


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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©
1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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Edited and posted by NTK for the
Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.


“But now
having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your
fruit to holiness, and the end everlasting life.” Romans


Grace & Peace