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FWD: Letter from Dick Wulf

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Hello People,


I am forwarding this letter from Dick.  If you are interested in distributing his games, his contact info is at the end.





Some of you know that years ago I invented a number of communication games to help strengthen families, give kids essential verbal and thinking skills for lifetime success, and help couples build their relationships. You might also know that the state of Wyoming tested them for two years and then the governor's wife used six of the games statewide for National Family Night 2005.

I am also sure that you are as dismayed by the school shootings that have killed children God brought into this world out of His love. I believe that these games can be used by states to help schools build a fund for metal detectors, as the games are perfect for fund-raising while at the same time building people relationships that might also deter school shootings. They can also do a lot to reduce family violence, juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, gangs, and a host of other societal evils.

I tried to get people's attention to these materials after the Sandy Hook disaster 5 years ago. The emphasis then was on family-building because of the home situation of the shooter. Now, what everyone agrees upon is that metal detectors may have been the only thing to stop the shooter.

I think I must again try to get someone's attention. It keeps happening. Kids getting killed. Families heartbroken for years and years! Perhaps God wants to use the ideas He has given me to reach out to help. That is why I am asking for as many to pray as we can recruit.

Would you please pray over the following email that is going out in one form or another to a few selected state governors and representatives of the U.S. House of Representatives, as well as a few news commentators?

The email is far from perfect, but timing is of the essence and I am not full of energy after the major cancer surgery I had two weeks ago. But, your prayers can overcome its limitations. Feel free to pass this on to others for prayer if the Lord suggests this to you.

Thank you. Something must be done beyond just saying to these families, "Sorry for your loss." Perhaps this can be something that we can add to our tears.


the email to Colorado members of the U.S. House of Representatives

It is so hard to get the attention of people in power to do something about school shootings. Since I am a Colorado resident, I am contacting you to ask for your help in getting this idea heard. It takes no political action, and can easily be implemented by state governors.

Keeping kids safe from shooters in their schools is a complex problem, but what I have available is a start. It is completely developed, original, and ready to go right now. It is perfect for getting something rolling that involves the neighborhood of each school and helps everyone feel less powerless.

This action can begin immediately to address two parts of the problem of school shootings. First, it is a way for each school to raise funds with minimal effort to start building a fund for safety equipment, probably metal detection at the school entrance. Second, each student will receive a different family communication game every other month to both strengthen family relationships and reduce isolation and mental illness.

People want to see action, and this is no small action. It will get whole neighborhoods and communities involved around school safety as well as strengthen family relationships over at least a two-year time span. Such continual awareness should enhance school safety, and, hopefully, prevent deadly school shootings.

In a nutshell. I have 10 Family Talk & Skill Builder Games that can be used to raise funds for school safety equipment. Each game builds better family relationships and gives kids thinking and verbal skills for lifetime success. These games convert to fund-raisers for elementary and middle schools. And, then there are 12 Couple Communication Games for strengthening marriages, parental partnerships, and friendships that can be used by high schools to raise money. Furthermore, a license to use these materials statewide includes 12 more fun grids to be used in alternate months if a school wants to speed up raising money for metal detectors or other safety equipment. So, the license includes 34 fund-raising tools that build relationships in a community for better safety.

I do not know how much metal detectors cost, but everyone in a community could be active in seeing money raised for them, right now, instead of feeling like nothing will ever be done to help keep their kids safe. It is likely that state money will be needed, but this program would reduce that amount while mobilizing and empowering whole communities.

The cost of a license is ridiculously low. To make it fair for all states, it is $1,000 per representative a state has in the U.S. House of Representatives.

For example, Colorado has 5 individuals serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. Therefore, a license would only be $5,000 to make 34 fund-raising games available indefinitely for every school. If 100 schools just do one fund-raiser, $300,000 would be raised for just $5,000. If 100 schools did all 10 fund-raisers over 2 years, $3 million would be raised for just $5,000. (These figures are after printing costs are subtracted from funds raised.) Of course, Colorado has more than 100 schools, so these figures are far lower than the potential.

Florida has a strong need right now to show people that the governor can do something to keep kids safer. The state of Florida has 27 representatives, so a license without limits for them is $27,000. If 500 schools with less than 1,000 students do just one fund-raiser of the ten possible, $1,500,000 would be raised for just $27,000. If 500 schools with less than 1,000 students did all 10 fund-raisers over 2 years, $15 million would be raised for just $27,000. Of course, Florida has more than 500 schools, so these figures are far lower than the potential.

This week I will be sending you a packet of materials about this action that states can implement immediately. If you want to talk it over with me, please call me at (719) 659-6102.


Dick Wulf, MSW, LCSW

[email protected]

(75 years old, 52 years as a mental health professional)

1339 N. 31st. Circle

Colorado Springs, CO 80904

(at this address for 48 years)


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