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Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

I completed a raised bed this morning outlined in rocks and then divided
into four beds with flat rocks to walk on. My 6 yr old son decorated the
edges with his beach rock collection. 🙂 So I have planted everything
that I had started except for the tomatoes and peppers, they are going
in their own beds on another part of the property , also getting their
own beds are cucumbers, pumpkins, peas.
So this morning I planted beets, radishes, lettuce mixed, endive, cress,
spinach, swiss chard, pole beans. then figuring that I am experimenting
her (first time gardener) I planted some zucinni in a bed that has a
couple of small bushes in them but gets good sun, and I planted a row of
pole beans in a flower bed at the front of the house- along a rod iron
fence so that it can climb. I still have plenty of room in my raised
bed, one of the 4 quarters have not even been touched, and 2 others
still have several squares in them. Probably do some more radishes,
lettuces. This is mainly our salad garden- right out the kitchen door.
Still so much to do for the other beds. Need to start some seeds since I
can't plant them just yet I might as well get them started. Everything
else in the raised bed will go from seed since it is past frost. I keep
praying for my gardens, that God will bless them since it will help our
budget this summer. And if I don't have to purchase produce I can use
the money saved to stock up on other grocery items. This will help this
What is everyone else up to. Oh!! I got my spinning wheel and I just
plyed my first yarn from singles spun on a drop spindle (you can
definitely tell it is my first but I like it). I haven't had time for
spinning, knitting, or weaving (just got a small rigid heddle loom from
a friend that I am dying to try). We have had some sunny days here so I
am taking advantage of them.