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[GEAR] New Bass

Posted by: hollebon <hollebon@...>

I have just bought a new (secondhand) bass. Its a little Hohner B2A - the
Steinberger cricket bat copy. This is a design I have always rather fancied
owning and I just happened to see one at a good price in my local shop.
Initial impressions are that it is fairly weird to play - the bottom end of
the neck seems a long way away and thanks to the strap button being
positioned on the rear of the neck heel the bass slighty tips forward when
standing up. I'm not sure whether to experiment with an additional strap
button on what passes for the upper horn? Sound is really decent - better in
active mode than passive but it is nice to have the option. Tried out at
rehearsal for our Easter presentation last night and was well pleased -
provoked some interesting comments as well. I manged to convince one person
that I was buying the bass on installments and that the rest of the body and
the "missing" bit from the end of the neck would come along just as soon as
I could make the payments 🙂