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[GEAR] SWR 350x...any users out there?

Posted by: smithdl <smithdl@...>

 Okay, I'm trying out an SWR Professional 350X head...I've been using the SWR Workingman's 4004 for awhile, just wanted to see if there was a huge difference, and then if the Lord wills/blesses (and the "boss"/wife allows) then I may upgrade.
Pros: the tone is HUGELY improved, going from solid state in the WM 4004 to tube pre in the 350X
Cons: it's really noisy. I've tried switching cables, speaker cables, effects in the loop and no effects...there's just a really nasty buzz when the master volume is turned up, whether the bass is plugged in or not.
Let me run down the rig for you guys (and gals!)
-Spector NS2000/5 (with active EMG DCs and EMG BTS, 18v)
-Boss Virtual Wah Pedal
-SWR 350X (minimum impedence, 450 w 2 ohms, but safely 350 w at 4 ohms.)
-dbx 266XL Compressor gate(in the sidechain effects loop)
-Goliath III 4x10 cab (700W, 4ohm)
I've tried this with the bass unplugged...still noise.
Take the wah out of the equation...still noise
Take out the compressor...still noise!!!
I'm going to try the rig at worship rehearsal tomorrow evening, cuz I'm hoping it might have to do with the fact that the quality of electricity in my basement is kinda iffy...but if this is normal with a tube pre (this is my first experience with tubes!) or normal for this amp, a heads up would be nice. Thanks in advance!