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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-Christoph Schmidt.

Hi Andrew,
I'm from Germany (18 y.o) and it's just a few months ago I visited
your page for the first time. I think one of the first sermons I listened
to was about Romans 8 and there is just one thing I want to say:
thank you.=) In the beginning I could not imagine that this kind of
Christianity you preached exists at all. But I thought about it again
and again and now I'm so thankful... I now live in a state where
there is no sin in my life that rules over me. I am so full of life now,
because I realized what this life Jesus promised is all about.

I am so happy that there is nothing that controls me except my
Lord and God Jesus and I started fighting for this truth in my
youth group. Yesterday I preached a sermon about hell and
Romans 8 in front of about 50 people. Some were really touched
by the Spirit, others just said I am crazy and that this kind of
Christian life without all this fleshly stuff is not possible. I said one
part of the gospel is to get free from this bondage of sin. Some got
mad and said the gospel is just love and has nothing really to do
with our sins. So I hope I will be able to start this in our country
because we are so weak that I often prayed: "God, send revival or
take me home."

And believe me, the first time I made a decision for Christ was
about 2 years ago, but somehow I am not sure that I got saved at
that time. There was so much sin and worldly stuff in my life that
I'm convinced I was just some kind of "almost Christian".

My church is a pentecostal church with everything except prayer
meetings. So I just want to thank you that I am now living in a
state that I think is what you call a revival state. I know God did
this and I did nothing for it... Keep on fighting for the Lord, brother,
and pray that our country will be blessed with some great
repentance and holiness preachers.

(-LISTEN TO the above sermon - "ARE YOU WALKING IN
ROMANS 8?" by downloading it at the top right of our website- )