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gigantomastia in dairy goats

Posted by: H2OBIRTH2X <H2OBIRTH2X@...>

I have a weird request. An acquaintance of mine learned of my post partum
breast enlargement. She suggested that I ask those of you who have
experience with diary goats. She stated in her travels she has heard of
dairy goats doing something similar to this. I'm hoping someone out there
has some info that will help. Here's a bit of my background.

After birthing my children my breasts swell up to enormous proportions. This
has NOTHING to do with milk supply. It is due to my connective tissues
between the ducts. The connective tissue does the swelling. After each
birth, around day 2.5 to 3 my breasts start the high temperature and then
swell. Typically I am a B cup - during pregnancy I go to a D or an E cup.
After my first child I went to a G, my 2nd child I went to a J, my 3rd child
I went to an N. I've spoken w/ a fertility specialist (not about fertility
because we have no problems with that). He also specializes in lactation.
He states that what I have and the other blood related females in my family
have is extremely rare. Unfortunately for me, mine is the worse case
scenario. There's only 40 documented cases in the world. Any way - he said
if I should have a 4th child, I should expect to go to around a Q cup. I'm
due w/ #4 on 8-15.

This phenomenom lasts about 7-10 days and then I settle into a G cup for the
first 6 mos of breastfeeding. Then atrophy to a AA or AAA. (rain or shine)

He suggested taking a hormone shot - but it's contraindicated w/
breastfeeding. And I don't like to do synthetic things. I went to an
herbalist and did all of her suggestions (this was with the 3rd child) and
nothing worked. Ice packs just helped ease the discomfort.

Also - about 3-9 mos post partum, the connective tissue in my knees will
begin to swell. This lasts the same amt of time (7-10 days). Sometimes it's
one knee or the other or both. So, it's something hormonally that is

Again, this acquaintance said that there's something similar w/ dairy goats.
Any suggestions. I am very open to anything - the heat that radiates off the
breast tissue - not to mention the weight is most uncomfortable. I can
completely sympathize with the farm factory dairy cows that are pumped w/
Bovine growth hormones that live across the way. They can barely move - I
mimic them.

She suggested an accupunturist - any thoughts or related stories?

Desperately seeking comments -
Cheri in AZ
helpmeet to Don 6 years, and mommy to Hannah 5, Grace 4, Charlie 1, and baby
#4 due 8-15