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giving shots boo-boo's

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem I do when I give my goats vaccinations... Where I give the shot there is always a bump that last for a long time. I know that it is good if a bump gets there, apparently it means that the body is taking to it well, but what is happening on 2 of my goats is that the bump got really big and it opened up and is oozing bloody stuff. It looks horrible. I was wondering if maybe I am giving the shot wrong, like maybe not deep enough under the skin? I have no idea. I do not like to give shots at all and I know it hurts me more than it does them. I use a small needle...25 gauge for SQ. Any thoughts on this? I have been treating it with some betadine, hopefully it will go away but so far it hasn't. Thanks!! Julie