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Go ahead! Be a rebel!

Posted by: forthrightmag <forthrightmag@...>

Stan Mitchell posted: "A young person who had grown up in the church recently suggested to me she had heard these ideas all her life and wanted to explore new ideas. She was not a conformist! She wanted to think for herself, be unique. I told her that if she really wanted to b"

New post on Forthright Magazine

Go ahead! Be a rebel!

A young person who had grown up in the church recently suggested to me she had heard these ideas all her life and wanted to explore new ideas. She was not a conformist! She wanted to think for herself, be unique.

I told her that if she really wanted to be a rebel, she should adopt Christian ideals. Like many comments from an older person like me, the statement hit the floor with a loud clank. Read more of this post


Stan Mitchell | February 11, 2016 at 3:00 am | Tags: conformity, rebel | Categories: Articles, Reality Check | URL:

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