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Go Tell It

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<>< Go Tell It <><
Night after night
I lie awake in bed
Thinking over all the things
I wished I'd done or said.
As a child of God
I'm always supposed to be
Aware of all the lost
That daily are surrounding me.
But I just got too busy
Worrying only 'bout myself
That others never came to mind
No matter their spiritual health.
O Lord help me make
Tomorrow a better day
So more people can greet thee
In Heaven I pray.
<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><

A different approach today.   Random
thoughts led me to look up at my task bar at the top of
the screen.   Each 'tool' can be related to Our Lord. 
Lord, I discovered Screen Tools for You...
Forward: Lord, with You at my side, I can go forward
with confidence.
Stop: It's wise to stop any bad habits I have that would make
You unhappy, Oh Lord.
Back:  Looking back at my failings I remembered that You
never quit loving me.
Refresh:  No matter how weary I might be, Your Spirit,
Oh Lord, can refresh me.
Home:  My home is blessed with Your Presence, Oh Lord.
Search:  My search for trust and hope is so easy with You,
Oh Lord, as my scout.
History:  You, Oh Lord, prove again and again that Your
History is Divine.
Mail:  Any mail sent through Your Name, Oh Lord, is stamped
with Your Approval.
Print:  How comforting to realize, Oh Lord, that Your Word
is in print for faith-seeking readers.
Messenger:  Oh Lord, You send a messenger to many of us
when we're most in need of an angel unaware.
Lord, thank You for Your Inspiration - with every task I face.   Praise and Glory to You, Oh Lord, for being with people who
struggle with broken relationships, alcoholism, financial worries,
shattered faith, insecurity, fear, pain and other endless problems.  Your Tasks are many, Oh Lord, and You never get too tired to console, comfort, advise and bless us.
<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><
<>< I'm Only Passing Through ><>

I'm only passing through this place, as I'll be heading home one day,
My Hope is far beyond this place, for someone pointed me to The Way.

For Christ is The Way, The Truth, The Life for all who will believe,
Christ changed the path of this hopeless soul with just a tiny seed.

I was purchased with The Blood of Christ out of this market of sin,
I was then planted on The Eternal Rock and given a new life to begin.

As I was redirected on a new journey to my Palatial Home in Heaven,
The Holy Spirit began to remove from my life fleshly sin and leaven.

Jesus Christ was crucified only once for all, to demonstrate the way,
But we my friend, must crucify our sinful flesh each and every day.

Salvation happens only once, at the very moment you truly believed,
But Sanctification continues on until at The Kingdom we are received.

For Holy, Holy, Holy is The Lord, and so will The Coming Kingdom be.
That is why The Spirit must have His way with souls like you and me.

For if anyone is in Christ, by God's Grace he becomes a new creation,
And our life is to be used by God to point others to God's Salvation.

For we are only passing through and we are not of this present world,
And as we journey Home we have only one message in which to herald.

Jesus died for all our sins, was buried, and on the third day raised,
He's coming back again my friend, and by all tongues will be praised.

He's coming very soon, the signs are very clear, and when
that trumpet sounds, We'll be otta here! Praise God for our
Great Blessed Hope, Who Will Deliver All Those Who Believe,
out of this world of Darkness, and into His Eternal Light!

<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <>< 

Have a Blessed Day

Dave and Barbara

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