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goat problem and a big thank you all.

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

Deanna and everyone, We live on the Knife River with 1000 feet of river
frontage and a lot of low valleys that go with it. So it does tend to get
wet around here, and you are right about all the rain we had awhile back, we
got really scared for the animals with the wet season we had. I am going to
order Ivomec PLUS from Hoegers tomorrow morning. My goodness, that is
scarey about the sheep your friend has. Let me know when you hear the
results of that. I am very curious and hope that my sheep didn't bring
anything along with them. For awhile one of the sheep seemed real listless,
altho eating (not alot) and doing a lot of weezing...I gave her an
antibiotic shot and she did get all better (it appears so anyways, no
problems for quite awhile now). As far as the keds, we got rid of them. We
just checked again a couple of days ago (the day you asked about keds on
here) and the treatments we did for that got rid of them completely. We use
lice-off on a regular basis (one of my goats came with lice and it gave me
the creepies...not a natural born farm girl here, but trying my best 😉
Just in case, I will go give them another dusting after feeding time
tonight. I will also check her gums to see the color. I brought in a
poopie sample for them to analyze at the vet for me, but no one will be
around till the morning to do it so will let you know what it says. They are
going to check for coccidiosis as well. I could KICK myself for not doing
it sooner.
Anyways......I would love to give everyone I great big hug for helping me in
the situation and caring so much! You all don't know how much it means to me
to have this support. I can't thank you all enough for it. Some of you have
been reading in books, etc trying to help me find the answers, Jacqui has
sent my question to other knowledgable goat folks, and the knowledge from
you all is incredible.... I am truely blessed to know you all and I thank
our Lord for you!! Love, Julie

----- Original Message -----
From: "David & Deanna Haley" <>
To: "AHomesteadHeaven" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 10:30 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] worming in MN/Julie/possible keds?

> Julie,
> This has been an interesting parasite year for me. I've learned alot by
> what friends are going through. Thankfully I'm not experiencing any
> problems but I have friends that are experiencing alot of problems.
> In MN we have a terrible problem with liver flukes. Even if you don't
> low land on your place, all the water we had a month or so ago allowed the
> flukes to travel farther than they would normally. The only two
> wormers (Hoegger users help me out here) that will get the liver flukes
> Ivomec PLUS and Valbazen. Those that have been using just Ivomec are
> having trouble.
> In addition, you don't know where Kris got the sheep you brought home.
> Debbie, a near neighbor of Kris and my very good friend, has lost 4 adult
> sheep over the past 3 weeks. We've not heard back from UofM lab yet (they
> are doing some testing) but the most likely cause is a parasite that sheep
> and goats don't typically get. It's carried by Donkeys and normal for
> donkeys but if the sheep get it they can become very listless and die. If
> this is what Debbie has, it's because she bought some VERY expensive sheep
> from the cities that had a donkey as a guardian animal. The vet said the
> only wormer that will kill that parasite donkey's shed is Ivomec Plus. I
> have always tried to do things as naturally as possible but frankly, since
> moving to MN I've heard of so many parasite problems that I went on a
> routine of Ivomec Plus and thankfully I've had no problems.
> I can't remember if anyone mentioned checking the gums of the goat. If
> are grey instead of pink you know it's some sort of parasite because it's
> causing the animal to go anemic. Also, you mentioned that the sheep had
> keds. Keds can get on goats, you may not see an infestation but from what
> was reading about them they literally suck the animal of it's very life
> blood. Could this baby be suffering from keds?....Deanna
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