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Goat problems....HELP!!

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

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Ok, I will try and make this short.  We had a doe who kidded on April 12th.  It was a horrid kidding.  The two little does were pulled from her before she was fully dialated, etc.  We allowed someone to help, which we should not have.  The doe got infection inside.  They had us put her on penicillin for 5 days, which we did.  We had noticed that there were some bumps on her udder and on one other goat.  A friend told me it was probably staph infection and we treated.  This particular doe had a couple of sores on the back of her legs, near the udder, but not on it.  We thought maybe she had been trying to scratch the bumps, and it got scratched.  We have used betadine and some topical antibiotic cream.  Today, when we put her up on the stanchion, that back portion of both legs is slightly swollen and the one side is just raw.  Any clues? 
I don't know what is going on, but we have never had the animal problems we have been having in the last 2 months.  If I dwell on it, it gets depressing. 
On the other hand, we got our bees yesterday and got them in the hive with the help of Rachel in Ohio (who is on this list) and her son.