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Goat shed help

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

I'm needing to build a couple of small portable goat shed type buildings.
Something like a calf hutch. I have the plans and it calls for treated
lumber. I seem to remember reading you shouldn't use treated lumber with
goats because of the arsenic levels. I have enough untreated lumber to
build the hutch. Scrap stuff I picked up at an auction. Is there some way
to treat this lumber that it would not be toxic to the goats? Would you go
ahead and build the little shed out of untreated lumber and then paint it
with a non-toxic paint that would add some protection from the elements to
the wood? Help...I need to do this tomorrow morning. Some little culprit
has decided to nurse the mommas out (they were all pulled at birth). I put
them altogether about a month ago. I don't have any barn buildings to house
the kids right now. I put up a temporary pen but I also need a small
shelter...thanks..Deanna P.S. Has anyone used commercial calf hutches? If
so, how many kids can fit in a hutch comfortably? I have a friend in that
just sold all of their dairy cows and they will have some used calf hutches
for sale for $150 each. I'm considering this option as well for my ram and