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God in a Box

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny

Be sure to read the last line below, #2.

by J. Randal Matheny

We shut religion in a box,
To hold our faith, a roof and walls;
Our prize is built of bricks and blocks,
Our glory, bound to a building's halls.

The Bible's chained to a preacher's stage,
God's presence fixed to a holy space,
As if the Lord were closed in a cage,
Or God sequestered with special grace.

It's time to live outside the square,
The inner heart is God's abode;
Who'll leave the cloistered nave and dare
To walk the world's endangered road?

>From first to last, at home and school
And work, in weather foul or fair,
Let love for Christ command and rule,
And live for God out there, out there.

Read what inspired this poem on the site!
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On "Tea and Toast" (28 June):
Don't be shy! Old age is a guarantee. And this is
just the cozy feelings that go with age and
friendship of the aged. By the way, how old are
you!? --Anon.

[Not old enough. 🙂 --Randal]

This is just great ... sparks the imagination and
makes me long for cooler, rainy days! I like to
feel like the rest of the world has been rained
out and I can be content to read, nap or whatever
I want! I'm not at the golden years yet but I'm
getting close! Keep serving Him and blessing us
with your emails! --Sandra, Greenwood, S.C.

On "Yesterday We Spoke" (20 June):
Thank you for this. It expresses well what I was
feeling. --Tulin, UK

1. Make it a conversation. Talk back ...

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2. Share today's poem, as is, with a friend.