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God is so wonderful!

Posted by: wagonwheel <wagonwheel@...>

Hi everyone,
I am really excited today. I went for my OB check up yesterday and I am
26 weeks along and 32 centimeters. My doctor and her nurse heard two
heartbeats! We are having a sonogram in the morning to see whether or
not we are having twins! My girls are 12, 6 and 2 and my son is 4. Mike
and I are really anxious for our appt. tomorrow. Everything is going so
well with us right now.
Two years ago we lost our home and everything we owned to a fire. We had
our youngest daughter just 10 days after that.
Now, by the grace of God, we have just moved from a 3 bedroom mobile
home into our two-story house, I became a member of our church on
Sunday, and now God may have given us two more angels to love!
I will let you all know what I find out tomorrow...
God Bless!