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God Is With Us

Posted by: <@...>

December 24, 2006
All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means God is with us).   Isaiah 7:14 NLT
Christmas is so amazing.   No, not the crazy shopping malls and the stress of too much eating, too much spending, and too much - well, stress.  But let's face it: that's not really the true meaning of Christmas anyway.  Christmas is not about a jolly old man with flying reindeer and a workshop full of elves.  It's not about gaining weight, going into debt, and wearing ourselves out.  Christmas is about Immanuel (also spelled Emmanuel).  God Himself came to earth and dwelt among us, and we beheld Him!
Two groups of people come to the manger to worship Jesus.  The wise men were astrologers from the East.  They were well educated and well-to-do.  We know that because they brought gifts of great value - gold, frankincense and myrrh.  Gold testified of Jesus' kingship; frankincense and myrrh were spices used in burials and testified to His coming death, burial and resurrection.  The wise men were watching the heavens, and God sent a star to lead them to Jesus.
The second group that came to the manger to worship were shepherds.  Shepherds were not the most popular people of the day.  Although patient with and protective of their flock, they were poor and, quite frankly, they smelled, because their life was spent with the sheep.  But on an otherwise quiet night, God sent a multitude of angels to send shepherds to the stable.
Why is this amazing?  Because no matter which end of the spectrum of society you find yourself on, you are welcome at the feet of Jesus.  Like the wise men, the learned and wealthy are welcome.  Like the shepherds, the uneducated and underpriviledged are welcome.  All men and all women of every nation, tribe and tongue are welcome.  And just as He promised, He is with us.  Through good days and bad days.  Every day, every hour, in everything, He is available and accessible.  So amazing!
Lord Jesus, You are so awesome!  Thank You for coming to earth.  Thank You for taking my place.  Thank you for loving me.  Thank You for being God in a body - God with me.   And, although only God knows the exact date You were born, thank You that we do have a day to celebrate Your arrival into the dailyness of our lives.   Happy Birthday, Jesus.  I love You.

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