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God speaking.

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

I loved your post Marci, on God honing you. I am going through that
right now. I have been spending far too much time on the internet. God
has been speaking to me for a long time on this issue. I didn't listen,
then He let me be, I guess He knew I needed the fellowship with my
husband gone. But Saturday a friend started asking me a lot of questions
about email lists. For some reason it made me feel very uncomfortable.
And after our talk my heart was so heavy. I prayed lots that night and
the next day but could not shake it. I couldn't figure it out. Then
Saturday night we went to a turkey dinner at a friends church. They have
a new family there and we met and boom! we hit it off. She is a Titus 2
woman, homeschools, homebirths (studying to be a midwife), dresses
modestly, lets God determine size of family etc... We talked for a
couple of hours. Then they invited us to their house for Thanksgiving if
Jeff wasn't home.
Yesterday I was still feeling very heavy hearted. I called the friend
who had asked me so many ???? I asked her if I had done something to
offend (maybe God was trying to bring it to light), that was not it. But
after we talked some we figured out that God was leading me away from
computer land. And He even brought a new friend into my life to fill the
gap. When I realized that that was it, the heaviness on my heart was
It is time for me to back away. I am still on ind. emails. And will
check in, but you will not be hearing from me so much. God is calling me
to give up my time on my puter in favor on spending time with Him and my
I love you and appreciate all you have done for me and my family. You
have been a source of encouragement. I thank you from the bottom of my
heart. You all have a special place in my heart.
For now I don't feel God calling me to unsub from this list. I have
several that I know I will unsub from. But you all are a part of my
life. So I will continue on. When the emails become to large in amount
for my box (from not checking in daily) I will go to digest form. So I
will still be here. But not as vocal.
Again, thank you all for treating me as if I was your next door
neighbor. You all have taught me alot about giving and blessing others.
I pray that God blesses all of you.
Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving. I will hear news on Friday about my
husband. I won't keep you in suspense. Will let you know of any news.
Preferrably good. 🙂
Love to you all, Debra