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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

by T. Austin-Sparks

The need of a new thing

There is a growing sense and conviction that a new thing on the
Lord´s part is a pressing necessity. There is a feeling that we
have gone so far and have come to a place where it is at least
difficult to go further without some fresh movement from the Lord´s side.

I think most of the Lord´s true people are sensing something like
that, and it is put into this phrase - `a new thing´. But we must
be careful as to what we mean when we use a phrase like that.
What do we mean by a new thing on the Lord´s part?

We must be careful because we must realize that the Lord has
not been experimenting and, as the result of His experiments,
finding things to fail and discarding them and then trying
something else. That is not the case. The Lord has never experimented.

Experimentation on His part would imply at once limitation of
knowledge, that He did not know how things would work out,
and that He was just trying it out to see.

When the Lord started, He started with what was absolutely
successful. There is no question there. The Lord´s first way
and first means were absolutely successful. It is Christianity
that has deviated from the effective, successful way of the Lord.

So that what will be a new thing with the Lord´s people will just
be a return to the original. Perhaps it sounds like a charge,
almost an accusation, to say that to return to the original would
be quite a new thing. Nevertheless, to a very large extent that
is true, and the necessity for that return proves the validity of
the original. You will have to come back to it because it is the
only way.