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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Men from all around the world,
Were designed by God to be alike,
Two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears,
Made quite like God ... although, not quite.
They have God's features; this is true,
In accordance with His plan,
All were made in His own image,
That's how God created man.
He gave them lungs, with which to breathe,
And hearts to pump their blood,
He gave them minds, with which to think,
And emotions to feel love.
Skin tone made no difference,
In fact, God chose its varied hues,
And hair color was no problem,
As God liked its contrast, too.
Basically all human beings
Were made to be like one another,
The plan God had in mind for them
Was to be each other's brother.
Perfect physiologically,
Man stood erect, and he walked tall,
God was proud of His accomplishment,
And never meant for man to fall.
Since men were built so much alike,
One would think they'd get along,
But something awful happened,
And something bad went wrong.
Greed and petty jealousies,
Though not part of the Master's plan,
Somehow took root and grew
In the very heart of man.
Silly spats turned into ugly wars,
Men fought and killed each other,
Some men forgot about their Lord,
And forgot all men were brothers.
God's hopes for men began to dim,
Hate was not of His design,
Just loving one another
Was all God had in mind.
Such an easy, simple plan for man,
But stubborn men would not behave,
While God, with patience, love, and grace,
Forgave them ... and forgave.
How much patience does God have?
How much torment can He take?
Will He end His love for man,
So offended by men's hate?
We, who do not stand and fight,
But just sit back and watch the fray,
Have the same amount of guilt
As those who fight this day.
It's time for man to take a stand,
In behalf of God above,
To help fulfill God's plans for man,
And extend a hand in love.
Time is swiftly passing,
Even now may be too late,
Oh, foolish man, I wonder,
When will you awake?
Virginia (Ginny) Ellis
"Gets You Thinking"
Jake, the rancher, went one day
to fix a distant fence.
The wind was cold and gusty and
the clouds rolled gray and dense,
As he pounded the last nail in
and gathered tools to go.
The temperature had fallen
and the snow began to blow.
When he finally reached his pickup,
he felt a heavy heart,
from the sound of that ignition,
he knew it wouldn't start.
So Jake did what most of us do
if we'd have been there.
He humbly bowed his balding head
and sent aloft a prayer.
As he turned the key for the last time,
he softly cursed his luck.
They found him three days later,
frozen stiff in that old truck.
Now Jake had been around in life
and done his share of roamin'.
But when he saw Heaven,
he was shocked -- it look just like Wyomin'.
Of all the saints in Heaven,
his favorite was St. Peter.
Now, this line, it ain't needed
but it helps with rhyme and meter.
So they set and talked a minute or two,
or maybe it was three,
Nobody was keepin' score --
in Heaven time is free.
"I've always heard," Jake said to Pete,
"that God will answer prayers,
But one time I asked for help,
well He, just plain wasn't there.
Does God answer prayers of some,
and ignores the prayers of others?
That don't seem exactly square --
I know all men are brothers.
Or does he randomly reply,
without good rhyme or reason?
Maybe, it's the time of day,
the weather or the season.
Now I ain't trying to act smart,
it's just the way I feel,
And I was wonderin', could you tell --
what the heck's the deal?
Peter listened very patiently
and when Jake was done,
There were smiles of recognition,
and he said, "So, you're the one!
That day your truck, it wouldn't start,
and you sent your prayer a flying,
You gave us all a real bad time,
with hundreds of us a trying.
A thousand angels rushed to check
the status of your file,
But you know, Jake, we hadn't heard
from you in quite a while
And though all prayers are answered,
and God ain't got no quota,
He didn't recognize your voice,
and started a truck in North Dakota.
Moral of the story:
Pray Early...Pray Often
and buy a good battery.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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