"GOD's SURPRISE ARMY" - Read this!
Quote from Forum Archives on November 23, 2005, 4:41 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Kathie & David Walters. (-Nov 10).As I was drifting off to sleep a few night ago the Lord spoke to me -
"My Surprise Army."Well I know about God's surprise army - so I didn't think any more
about it. Then again last night as I was drifting to sleep, the Lord
spoke to me again "My Surprise Army," so I want to tell you about
God's "Surprise Army."God's surprise army isn't very well known as far as personalities
are concerned. It isn't on TV every week or anything like that, but
let me tell you - it's powerful, it has the element of surprise. I've
never been in the US Army but I would think that the element of
surprise would be a great asset in a battle.This army most people wouldn't even notice, you know why?
Because they are small - well, smaller than most of the army being
trained and equipped..The FOOLISH THINGY'S
God has chosen the things that are not, to bring to nothing the
things that are... and the foolish things to bring to nothing the
things that are wise..." "Why? - so that "no flesh will glory in His
Presence" ( I Cor 1:27-29).That's why He loves to use the "are nots" and "foolish things."
Then it's obvious that it's Him and not us.He's not looking for your brains or your great ability - He's looking
for some vessels, big or small, fat or thin, black or white, willing to
yield to the anointing.A KID Prophesies...
David had been ministering in a church one weekend. We had
some sessions with the parents. Did you know you have to train
parents how to equip their kids in the Spirit? Most churches
haven't done that.The children had been praying for the sick, prophesying, giving
words of knowledge etc. I heard a little guy of about 6 prophesy to
a large, tall man. Laying his hand on the man's tummy, because
that's all he could reach, he said, "God's going to give you a lot of
money, yes a lot of money. Then you can help people, you can
give them some."A couple of people standing near smiled. You could see their
thoughts on their faces, "How sweet, what a cute little boy.."After the little boy finished and went elsewhere to pray for someone
else, the pastor drew me aside. "You know that word the little boy
had for that man about money? Well a couple of weeks ago there
was a well known prophet here and he called that man out and
prophesied over him. The prophet said " God is going to pour out
financial blessings into your life, because your heart is for the
needy. He is going to greatly prosper you." Then he prayed for a
spirit of wisdom for the man.The little boy had said the same thing, he had given the same
word, but it was not in religious words and it came out in a different
way. He spoke his word in kid language.Some years ago we were at a church in Oklahoma City. David had
been teaching the kids how to move in the power of God. There
had been a lot of miracles.The day we were leaving, one the elders backed his car out of the
garage and run over their little toddler.The baby went blue and stopped breathing.
The man's wife became frantic and rushed to call the emergency.
Their other children, (who had been in the meetings said, "Don't
worry, Jesus will heal her" and immediately ran and laid hands on
the child and prayed for her.Immediately the toddler sat up and started breathing and the color
came back into her face. She was perfectly fine.One time some of the children in a church we were part of in
Florida asked me to drop them at the church for the Wednesday
evening service. They individually told me that God wanted them
to be there. I had made other arrangements for that evening myself,
but I agreed to drop them off and pick them up at 9 pm.When I did pick them up they all came out of the church limping! I
knew there was nothing wrong with them in the natural, so I got
them all in my van ( 7 of them including my own two girls, between
ages 7-10) and took them to my friend's house.We sat them all down and said "Right, we are going to ask God
what is going on and what He is saying? And why you are all limping."We waited on the Lord for a little while then one by one they sat
up and spoke. "God said, these people (in the church) asked Me
to come, but now they don't want me," the first one said."God said, the people asked Me to send my Holy Spirit, but when
He started to move they didn't like it, so He is going to leave,"
second child said."This church is going to close." Another said.
" In two weeks," said the next one.
Then another child said, "And the pastor is going to leave his wife."
Finally they said, "Can we go outside and play now?"
My friend looked at me and said, " I don't think we should tell
people about this." "No." I agreed. Guess what? In three weeks
the church had closed, and it was a good sized church. The
Pastor took off and left his wife and family.Children don't use the same terminology as us big people, but I
like what my husband, David Walters, says "Children do not have
a Junior Holy Spirit, they have the same sized Holy Spirit as
anyone else." God has used children in ways that would blow the
religious mind sets right out of the water.PARENTS, PASTORS, WHAT Are YOU DOING?
Parents, pastors, teacher, let me ask you what are you doing with
God's surprise army? Are you equipping them in the power of God,
and teaching them how to live in the anointing? Or are you sending
them to a back room with coloring books and cute videos?Little Bible stories aren't going to cut it. If your kids and youth
aren't having real adventures with God and aren't experiencing
God's presence and supernatural ways, then sooner or later they
will look elsewhere for adventure and excitement.A MAN'S LIFE in the (SPIRITUAL) HANDS of a CHILD...
Another time when we lived in Orlando, a local Christian builder
came to our house to visit. Ron always wore striking Christian T shirts.Some weeks later I was driving in the car with Faith, then about
ten years old. She suddenly put her hand on her heart and said,
"I have a pain - it's something to do with the man with the T Shirts."
She remembered the radical T shirts that Ron wore.Faith prayed in the Spirit and then the pain she felt, lifted.
A couple of days later, while eating breakfast in the house, the
same thing happened. Faith began to pray for Ron again.The following Saturday while walking across the parking lot at the
mall, Faith suddenly stopped and put her hand on her heart. "It's
that man again, the one with the T shirts." She prayed in the spirit.
"The pain has gone now" she said.When we got home I decided to call Ron and find out what was
going on. Ron answered the phone and so I asked him how he
was doing.I didn't tell him about Faith praying for him.
"Well I had a rough week" he said. "I had built three big houses
and took out bridge loans on them - and I have been making those
payments because they hadn't sold." He continued, "Last year I
had a heart attack and the Doctor told me not to get under any
stress, but these houses put a lot of stress on me - and I kept
getting pains in my chest, I was scared, but thank God, it seemed
to lift today.""I know the houses will sell quickly."
He received a gift of faith from the Lord - and within the next 10
days all three houses sold.God used a little girl to save a man's life. I am not saying that God
wouldn't have used someone else if Faith hadn't responded. But,
He did give her the opportunity to be used in a powerful way. I
mean , would you put your life in the hands of a ten year old? I
doubt it - because you just see a little girl - but God saw His
anointing in that ten year old.Please, PLEASE WAKE UP
Time to wake up church - we must see what God sees - or we will
be wondering why we are not getting all the victories we should. If
some of the army is still waiting in the billets instead of being
trained, equipped and used, what do you think will happen? We
will not see some of the victories God wants.What do you think would happen if all the adults came to church
on Sunday and the pastor gave them all a sketching pad and a
little story? They wouldn't get very strong in the power of the Spirit
would they? They would hardly become mighty warriors for God.
Well why do we do it to the children then?I promise you the kids and youth are not going to be anointed and
full of faith without the anointing and power of God.I believe God is going to ask us Pastors, parents, teachers, "Did
you equip these young saints to fulfill their destiny? Did you
empower then in the anointing and show them how to live in My
Presence and experience the supernatural life of God?"Recommended books to stir you up: By David Walters
Kids in Combat- for pastors, parents, teachers. To show you how
God sees your children and youthEquipping the Younger Saints- How to bring children into the
Baptism of the Spirit and teach them how to move in the gifts of
the Spirit.Parenting by the Spirit - There is a difference between raising good
kids and ANOINTED kids. Learn how to raise anointed children.See website- www.goodnews.netministries.org
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Kathie & David Walters. (-Nov 10).
As I was drifting off to sleep a few night ago the Lord spoke to me -
"My Surprise Army."
Well I know about God's surprise army - so I didn't think any more
about it. Then again last night as I was drifting to sleep, the Lord
spoke to me again "My Surprise Army," so I want to tell you about
God's "Surprise Army."
God's surprise army isn't very well known as far as personalities
are concerned. It isn't on TV every week or anything like that, but
let me tell you - it's powerful, it has the element of surprise. I've
never been in the US Army but I would think that the element of
surprise would be a great asset in a battle.
This army most people wouldn't even notice, you know why?
Because they are small - well, smaller than most of the army being
trained and equipped..
God has chosen the things that are not, to bring to nothing the
things that are... and the foolish things to bring to nothing the
things that are wise..." "Why? - so that "no flesh will glory in His
Presence" ( I Cor 1:27-29).
That's why He loves to use the "are nots" and "foolish things."
Then it's obvious that it's Him and not us.
He's not looking for your brains or your great ability - He's looking
for some vessels, big or small, fat or thin, black or white, willing to
yield to the anointing.
A KID Prophesies...
David had been ministering in a church one weekend. We had
some sessions with the parents. Did you know you have to train
parents how to equip their kids in the Spirit? Most churches
haven't done that.
The children had been praying for the sick, prophesying, giving
words of knowledge etc. I heard a little guy of about 6 prophesy to
a large, tall man. Laying his hand on the man's tummy, because
that's all he could reach, he said, "God's going to give you a lot of
money, yes a lot of money. Then you can help people, you can
give them some."
A couple of people standing near smiled. You could see their
thoughts on their faces, "How sweet, what a cute little boy.."
After the little boy finished and went elsewhere to pray for someone
else, the pastor drew me aside. "You know that word the little boy
had for that man about money? Well a couple of weeks ago there
was a well known prophet here and he called that man out and
prophesied over him. The prophet said " God is going to pour out
financial blessings into your life, because your heart is for the
needy. He is going to greatly prosper you." Then he prayed for a
spirit of wisdom for the man.
The little boy had said the same thing, he had given the same
word, but it was not in religious words and it came out in a different
way. He spoke his word in kid language.
Some years ago we were at a church in Oklahoma City. David had
been teaching the kids how to move in the power of God. There
had been a lot of miracles.
The day we were leaving, one the elders backed his car out of the
garage and run over their little toddler.
The baby went blue and stopped breathing.
The man's wife became frantic and rushed to call the emergency.
Their other children, (who had been in the meetings said, "Don't
worry, Jesus will heal her" and immediately ran and laid hands on
the child and prayed for her.
Immediately the toddler sat up and started breathing and the color
came back into her face. She was perfectly fine.
One time some of the children in a church we were part of in
Florida asked me to drop them at the church for the Wednesday
evening service. They individually told me that God wanted them
to be there. I had made other arrangements for that evening myself,
but I agreed to drop them off and pick them up at 9 pm.
When I did pick them up they all came out of the church limping! I
knew there was nothing wrong with them in the natural, so I got
them all in my van ( 7 of them including my own two girls, between
ages 7-10) and took them to my friend's house.
We sat them all down and said "Right, we are going to ask God
what is going on and what He is saying? And why you are all limping."
We waited on the Lord for a little while then one by one they sat
up and spoke. "God said, these people (in the church) asked Me
to come, but now they don't want me," the first one said.
"God said, the people asked Me to send my Holy Spirit, but when
He started to move they didn't like it, so He is going to leave,"
second child said.
"This church is going to close." Another said.
" In two weeks," said the next one.
Then another child said, "And the pastor is going to leave his wife."
Finally they said, "Can we go outside and play now?"
My friend looked at me and said, " I don't think we should tell
people about this." "No." I agreed. Guess what? In three weeks
the church had closed, and it was a good sized church. The
Pastor took off and left his wife and family.
Children don't use the same terminology as us big people, but I
like what my husband, David Walters, says "Children do not have
a Junior Holy Spirit, they have the same sized Holy Spirit as
anyone else." God has used children in ways that would blow the
religious mind sets right out of the water.
Parents, pastors, teacher, let me ask you what are you doing with
God's surprise army? Are you equipping them in the power of God,
and teaching them how to live in the anointing? Or are you sending
them to a back room with coloring books and cute videos?
Little Bible stories aren't going to cut it. If your kids and youth
aren't having real adventures with God and aren't experiencing
God's presence and supernatural ways, then sooner or later they
will look elsewhere for adventure and excitement.
Another time when we lived in Orlando, a local Christian builder
came to our house to visit. Ron always wore striking Christian T shirts.
Some weeks later I was driving in the car with Faith, then about
ten years old. She suddenly put her hand on her heart and said,
"I have a pain - it's something to do with the man with the T Shirts."
She remembered the radical T shirts that Ron wore.
Faith prayed in the Spirit and then the pain she felt, lifted.
A couple of days later, while eating breakfast in the house, the
same thing happened. Faith began to pray for Ron again.
The following Saturday while walking across the parking lot at the
mall, Faith suddenly stopped and put her hand on her heart. "It's
that man again, the one with the T shirts." She prayed in the spirit.
"The pain has gone now" she said.
When we got home I decided to call Ron and find out what was
going on. Ron answered the phone and so I asked him how he
was doing.
I didn't tell him about Faith praying for him.
"Well I had a rough week" he said. "I had built three big houses
and took out bridge loans on them - and I have been making those
payments because they hadn't sold." He continued, "Last year I
had a heart attack and the Doctor told me not to get under any
stress, but these houses put a lot of stress on me - and I kept
getting pains in my chest, I was scared, but thank God, it seemed
to lift today."
"I know the houses will sell quickly."
He received a gift of faith from the Lord - and within the next 10
days all three houses sold.
God used a little girl to save a man's life. I am not saying that God
wouldn't have used someone else if Faith hadn't responded. But,
He did give her the opportunity to be used in a powerful way. I
mean , would you put your life in the hands of a ten year old? I
doubt it - because you just see a little girl - but God saw His
anointing in that ten year old.
Time to wake up church - we must see what God sees - or we will
be wondering why we are not getting all the victories we should. If
some of the army is still waiting in the billets instead of being
trained, equipped and used, what do you think will happen? We
will not see some of the victories God wants.
What do you think would happen if all the adults came to church
on Sunday and the pastor gave them all a sketching pad and a
little story? They wouldn't get very strong in the power of the Spirit
would they? They would hardly become mighty warriors for God.
Well why do we do it to the children then?
I promise you the kids and youth are not going to be anointed and
full of faith without the anointing and power of God.
I believe God is going to ask us Pastors, parents, teachers, "Did
you equip these young saints to fulfill their destiny? Did you
empower then in the anointing and show them how to live in My
Presence and experience the supernatural life of God?"
Recommended books to stir you up: By David Walters
Kids in Combat- for pastors, parents, teachers. To show you how
God sees your children and youth
Equipping the Younger Saints- How to bring children into the
Baptism of the Spirit and teach them how to move in the gifts of
the Spirit.
Parenting by the Spirit - There is a difference between raising good
kids and ANOINTED kids. Learn how to raise anointed children.
See website- http://www.goodnews.netministries.org